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3rd party patterns - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: 3rd party patterns (/thread-26469.html)

3rd party patterns - Orion Pobursky - 2022-06-17

What our feeling about 3rd party patterns from places like Citizen Brick and EclipseGraphics?

RE: 3rd party patterns - Cam's Bricks - 2022-06-20

(2022-06-17, 0:23)Orion Pobursky Wrote: What our feeling about 3rd party patterns from places like Citizen Brick and EclipseGraphics?

I cant remember if this sub-forum is open to all the folks or just the committee but I would think it falls in the same category as BrickArms parts or other items that are not considered as part of the LEGO system for the purposes of LDraw.