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Defining Material Properties in LDConfig - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Defining Material Properties in LDConfig (/thread-2561.html)

Defining Material Properties in LDConfig - Scott Wardlaw - 2011-12-16

Would anyone like to give input to defining the rendering properties of the materials in ldconfig? For instance, could we add the following lines at the end of the file:

0 // LDraw Material Definitions
0 !MATERIAL METAL Ambient 0.2 Diffuse 0.7 Reflection 0.7 Refraction 0 Specular 0.5 Roughness 0.05 Brilliance 3 Phong 0.5 Phong_Size 40

Alternatively, we could create our own POV-Ray include file with these values and distribute it. I remember that we used to distribute a POV-Ray include file with the All-In-One installer.

Any thoughts?
