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Anybody owns 73878, Window Curved 3 x 3 - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Anybody owns 73878, Window Curved 3 x 3 (/thread-24573.html)

Anybody owns 73878, Window Curved 3 x 3 - Gerald Lasser - 2021-04-22

Does anybody own this part?

I have not seen any bottom pictures so far.

I based the bottom on the fence 3 x 3, but that gives me some interference with the hle to fix the pane


RE: Anybody owns 73878, Window Curved 3 x 3 - Philippe Hurbain - 2021-04-22

Just a glimpse, but... https://youtu.be/_GpKsAdTipw?t=313
Bottom looks different from fence 3x3, seems to use half stud4.

RE: Anybody owns 73878, Window Curved 3 x 3 - Gerald Lasser - 2021-04-22

(2021-04-22, 15:53)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: Just a glimpse, but... https://youtu.be/_GpKsAdTipw?t=313
Bottom looks different from fence 3x3, seems to use half stud4.

Thanks Philo, that is a good point in the video, the best so far. I also started to go through some YT reviews frame by frame. It is indeed a truncated stud4, which is further cut by the hole for the glass pane.

I will model it like that one, also the sintructions of the park 41447, show them from the inside. THis will suffice for the meantime :-)