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Some of my youth town series models - Printable Version

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Some of my youth town series models - Victor Di Rienzo - 2019-05-02

this were some of the models i had at home. others were already build by some other ldraw users. if i recall more models i will be uploading them too

[Image: AOBupzq.png]

Set: 6609-1 - Race Car
Year: 1980
OMR Compliant: Yes
Missing: Nothing
CAD: LdCad 1.6b "the beast"
Comments: This was my fist ever Lego kit i had. This one is the guilty kit to my self being here posting lol....

RE: Some of my youth town serise models - Victor Di Rienzo - 2019-05-02

[Image: DRjjjzz.png]

Set: 6608-1 Tractor
Year: 1982
OMR Compliant: Yes
Missing: Nothing
CAD: LdCad 1.6b "the beast"
Comments: This was my fist Lego kit i purchase with my money, i still remember it cost me 8usd. It was a loooooot of money for a kid in those days.

RE: Some of my youth town serise models - Victor Di Rienzo - 2019-05-02

[Image: 9dAY9Fa.png]
Set: 6657-1 - Fire Patrol Copter
Year: 1985
OMR Compliant: Yes
Missing: Nothing
CAD: LdCad 1.6b "the beast"
Comments: none

RE: Some of my youth town serise models - Victor Di Rienzo - 2019-05-02

[Image: Mr127wS.png]

Set: 6688-1 - Ambulance
Year: 1985
OMR Compliant: Yes
Missing: Nothing
CAD: LdCad 1.6b "the beast"
Comments: none

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Victor Di Rienzo - 2019-05-02

[Image: T33k4Rs.png]

Set: 6612-1 - Fire Chiefs Car
Year: 1986
OMR Compliant: Yes
Missing: Nothing
CAD: LdCad 1.6b "the beast"
Comments: none

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Philippe Hurbain - 2019-05-02

Very nice! What renderer? No logo on studs? on these tiny models, they are really lacking Wink

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Victor Di Rienzo - 2019-05-02

(2019-05-02, 11:55)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: Very nice! What renderer? No logo on studs? on these tiny models, they are really lacking Wink

im using stud.io, it may be not showing the logos due it has low resolution configured on the parameters. let me test with the tractor and upload it on hi res.

[Image: pYY9K6u.png]

UPDATE: No its not. i m rendering with hi res parameters now, and its not showing me the lego logos, i dont know why any idea?
Ldview shows me the logo on the studs. it should be an issue with studio configuration. or may be studio its not rendering any longer the lego logo. dont know

UPDATE2: yes its in the rendering configuratation on stud.io you can enable or not le stud logo.

[Image: TKv428L.png]

[Image: TeqPqgW.png]

they look like chinese Lego version lol

@philo render edition Wink

[Image: y9KCD5W.png]

This other render has enable some scratches on the bricks. (this are all options on studio render configuration) Stud logos / Uv degradation / Scratches)

[Image: JZLYIH4.png]

This has some extra Scratches and Uv Decoloration. it looks like he has a hardworkWink

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Victor Di Rienzo - 2019-05-02

[Image: 8ijjLnb.png]

Set: 7733-1 - Truck & Forklift
Year: 2008
OMR Compliant: Yes
Missing: Stickers, Minifigs
CAD: LdCad 1.6b "the beast"
Comments: ok.... this wasn't when i was kid Wink

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Philippe Hurbain - 2019-05-02

The forklift is not on the same level as the truck and seems floating in mid air Wink

Are you using rubber black for the tires? they look quite shiny...

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Victor Di Rienzo - 2019-05-02

(2019-05-02, 15:10)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: The forklift is not on the same level as the truck and seems floating in mid air Wink

Are you using rubber black for the tires? they look quite shiny...

this is a special version of the forklift its levitation version lol.  Wink

i made the pbg file grabbed from rebricable. The colors are the ones set from Rebricable, i did not change them. i will pay attention on that detail. and re render to check how it looks.

Now that you mention that i though the same, the render was too shinny but i thought it was due how the render was done not due the material, now im rendering a new one with rubber black on the wheels and let you show.


[Image: afxHT01.png]

They look better but dont know if they look natural either.

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Orion Pobursky - 2019-05-02

(2019-05-02, 16:46)tatubias Wrote: The colors are the ones set from rebricable, i did not change them. i will pay atention on that detail. and re render to check how it looks.

I already brought up the rubber color issue with Rebrickable. The problem is that Bricklink doesn't have a separate color for rubber black. Therefore all black tires are assigned color 0 (Black) and not color 256. This won't change until they implement some sort of material classification to the parts.

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Victor Di Rienzo - 2019-05-02

(2019-05-02, 16:51)Orion Pobursky Wrote: I already brought up the rubber color issue with Rebrickable. The problem is that Bricklink doesn't have a separate color for rubber black. Therefore all black tires are assigned color 0 (Black) and not color 256. This won't change until they implement some sort of material classification to the parts.

Excellent, good to know for future renders Wink

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Victor Di Rienzo - 2019-05-03

[Image: 4pKxNT9.png]

Set: 6607-1 - Service Truck
Year: 1982
OMR Compliant: Yes
Missing: Stickers
CAD: LdCad 1.6b
Comments: i did not have this, but i like it.
Renderer: Stud.io 2

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Victor Di Rienzo - 2019-05-03

[Image: 1xCgAOe.png]

Set: 6651-1 - Post Office Van
Year: 1982
OMR Compliant: Yes
Missing: Stickers
CAD: LdCad 1.6b
Comments: I did not realize that it was already published Wink on omr site.
Renderer: Stud.io 2

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Victor Di Rienzo - 2019-05-03

[Image: Ng4DKGi.png]

Set: 6653-1 - Highway Maintenance Truck
Year: 1982
OMR Compliant: Yes
Missing: Stickers
CAD: LdCad 1.6b
Comments: I did not realize that it was already published [Image: wink.png] on omr site.
Renderer: Stud.io 2

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Victor Di Rienzo - 2019-05-03

[Image: FiUoHHU.png]

Set: 6675-1 - Road & Trail 4x4
Year: 1988
OMR Compliant: Yes
Missing: Stickers
CAD: LdCad 1.6b
Comments: I did not have this but i like it too.
Renderer: Stud.io 2

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Roland Melkert - 2019-05-04

fun models but what's with all the people from krypton?

You could use 2D projection mode to make sure all things are aligned with the car wheels at ground level.

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Victor Di Rienzo - 2019-05-04

(2019-05-04, 17:50)Roland Melkert Wrote: fun models but what's with all the people from krypton?

You could use 2D projection mode to make sure all things are aligned with the car wheels at ground level.

this happens when i try to arrange the objects using studio., thats all.

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Victor Di Rienzo - 2019-05-04

[Image: xSqE6Xw.png]

Set: 6605-1 - Road Racer
Year: 1984
OMR Compliant: Yes
Missing Stickers: No
Missing Patterns: Yes (3039pb007.dat)
CAD: LdCad 1.6b "the beast"
Renderer: Stud.io
Comments: Its missing the brick 3039pb007.dat that its a 2 x 2 slop with a "3" printed. i will be making this part, i will be posting it in a minutes.

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Victor Di Rienzo - 2019-05-04

[Image: Zw826v4.png]

Set: 6606-1 - Road Repair Set
Year: 1983
OMR Compliant: Yes
Missing Stickers: Yes
Missing Patterns: No
CAD: LdCad 1.6b "the beast"
Renderer: Stud.io
Comments: None

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Victor Di Rienzo - 2019-05-04

[Image: FYkYpV8.png]

Set: 6641-1 - 4 Wheelin Truck
Year: 1987
OMR Compliant: Yes
Missing Stickers: No
Missing Patterns: No
CAD: LdCad 1.6b "the beast"
Renderer: Stud.io
Comments: None

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Victor Di Rienzo - 2019-05-04

[Image: Mbm04jD.png]

Set: 6647-1 - Highway Repair
Year: 1980
OMR Compliant: Yes
Missing Stickers: No
Missing Patterns: Yes
CAD: LdCad 1.6b "the beast"
Renderer: Stud.io
Comments: None

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Victor Di Rienzo - 2019-05-04

[Image: JfcoQn0.png]

Set: 6658-1 - Bulldozer
Year: 1986
OMR Compliant: Yes
Missing Stickers: No
Missing Patterns: Yes
CAD: LdCad 1.6b "the beast"
Renderer: Stud.io
Comments: None

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Victor Di Rienzo - 2019-05-04

[Image: UVkKOQV.png]

Set: 7236-1 - Police Car, Black Logo
Year: 2005
OMR Compliant: Yes
Missing Stickers: No
Missing Patterns: Yes
CAD: LdCad 1.6b "the beast"
Renderer: Stud.io
Comments: None

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Victor Di Rienzo - 2019-05-04

[Image: fBUxoo8.png]
Set: 7245-1 - Prisoner Transport, Black Logo
Year: 2005
OMR Compliant: Yes
Missing Stickers: No
Missing Patterns: Yes
CAD: LdCad 1.6b "the beast"
Renderer: Stud.io
Comments: None

not Kryptons guys here!!!!

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Victor Di Rienzo - 2019-05-28

i have updated all the download links. also here are all the files together. all files look like this output.

i have lots the file of Set: 7733-1 - Truck & Forklift

[Image: YlW68jB.png]

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Johann Eisner - 2019-05-29

In principial the files are OMR compliant, but 3 little things.

First the file names should be renamed to for example "6608 - Tractor.mpd" without the Qualifier after the set number.
See http://www.ldraw.org/article/593.html

Base File Naming
Each model in the OMR will consist of several files that are packaged together into a single MPD file. For sets that include instructions for multiple models, each model will have its own MPD file. Each MPD for the set will be named in the following manner:
<Set Number>[-<Optional Qualifier>] - <Set Name>[ - <Sub Model Name>]

The optional Qualifier is not mandatory and gets added only if there is more than one set that could be assigned the same.
The first set using a given number would be understood to never contain the qualifier however numbering should start with the oldest set and some investigation should be done in existing set databases.

If the Model only use one .ldr file, this file shoud be insert in a .mpd file.

Third: The file 7733-1 - Truck & Forklift.zip contains a .png file not the .ldr file.

I have OMRized the files and attached.
I will upload the the files to the OMR asap.


RE: Some of my youth town series models - Roland Melkert - 2019-05-29

(2019-05-29, 20:06)Johann Eisner Wrote: In principial the files are OMR compliant, but 3 little things.

As those models are drawn with LDCad using its "Clean up" tool to omr a mpd should be much easier then all those manual checks

It's in the file menu.

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Johann Eisner - 2019-05-29

(2019-05-29, 20:12)Roland Melkert Wrote: As those models are drawn with LDCad using its "Clean up" tool to omr a mpd should be much easier then all those manual checks

It's in the file menu.

So was my approach to these files.
1st .: file opened
2nd: added new submodel "Main"
3rd: .ldr file inserted into the "Main" submodel
4th: Main submodel defined as "Main Model"
5th: File cleanup..
6th: saved as .mpd
7th: cross-checked with MPD Center

I love the "Cleanup" in LDCad.

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Victor Di Rienzo - 2019-05-29

Thank you guys,  for all the consideration and comments.

Regarding Third: The file 7733-1 - Truck & Forklift.zip contains a .png file not the .ldr file. I made amiatake and delete the original one so i did lose all that model.

RE: Some of my youth town serise models - Steffen - 2019-05-30

hovercraft ambulance? Wink

RE: Some of my youth town serise models - Orion Pobursky - 2019-05-30

(2019-05-30, 13:30)Steffen Wrote: hovercraft ambulance? Wink

It could happen. Although I think it might maneuver somewhat terribly.

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Marc Giraudet - 2020-01-01

(2019-05-29, 20:58)Victor Di Rienzo Wrote: Thank you guys,  for all the consideration and comments.

Regarding Third: The file 7733-1 - Truck & Forklift.zip contains a .png file not the .ldr file. I made amiatake and delete the original one so i did lose all that model.

My file of 7733 - Truck & Forklift uploaded in the thread "2000+ Town, Trains, Buildings, etc"

.mpd   7733 - Truck & Forklift.mpd (Size: 20.97 KB / Downloads: 8)

Happy new year

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Takeshi Takahashi - 2021-07-14

Updated set 6609:
- Corrected the tyre colour (256 rubber black)
- Split submodel of minifig

.mpd   6609 - Race Car.mpd (Size: 2.28 KB / Downloads: 6)

OMR conform
Missing items: none

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Takeshi Takahashi - 2021-07-14

Updated set 6647:
- Split submodel of minifig
- Added missing stickers and tree 3471

.mpd   6647 - Highway Repair.mpd (Size: 4.49 KB / Downloads: 4)

6607 - Service Truck - Takeshi Takahashi - 2021-08-22

Updated: Corrected misplaced parts (tyres)

.mpd   6607 - Service Truck.mpd (Size: 2.23 KB / Downloads: 3)

OMR conform
Missing items: none

6608 - Tractor - Takeshi Takahashi - 2021-08-22

Updated: Corrected misplaced parts (tyres)

.mpd   6608 - Tractor.mpd (Size: 1.96 KB / Downloads: 5)

OMR conform
Missing items: none

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Takeshi Takahashi - 2021-09-15

Updated: Added missing sticker, corrected tyre colour, and split submodels

.mpd   6606 - Road Repair Set.mpd (Size: 2.54 KB / Downloads: 5)

Currently not OMR conform (Unofficial stickers not inlined)
Missing items: none

6605 - Road Racer - Takeshi Takahashi - 2021-10-01

Updated: Corrected colours, prints, and misplaced parts

.mpd   6605 - Road Racer.mpd (Size: 2.13 KB / Downloads: 5)

OMR conform
Missing items: none

6688 - Ambulance - Takeshi Takahashi - 2021-10-27

Updated: Corrected colours and misplaced parts (removed the stray arm causing "hovercraft ambulance" :-) )

.mpd   6688 - Ambulance.mpd (Size: 5.32 KB / Downloads: 7)

OMR compliant
Missing items: none

6612 - Fire Chief's Car - Takeshi Takahashi - 2021-12-28

Updated: Corrected missing parts and split minifig submodel

.mpd   6612 - Fire Chief's Car.mpd (Size: 2.63 KB / Downloads: 4)

OMR compliant
Missing items: none

RE: Some of my youth town series models - Takeshi Takahashi - 2021-12-30

Updated: Corrected misplaced parts and split minifig submodel

.mpd   6658 - Bulldozer.mpd (Size: 4.52 KB / Downloads: 4)

OMR compliant
Missing items: none

6641 - 4 Wheelin' Truck - Takeshi Takahashi - 2022-01-20

Updated: Corrected misplaced parts and colours

.mpd   6641 - 4 Wheelin Truck.mpd (Size: 4.68 KB / Downloads: 5)

OMR compliant
Missing items: none

6675 - Road & Trail 4x4 - Takeshi Takahashi - 2022-02-11

Updated: Corrected misplaced parts and colours

.mpd   6675 - Road Trail 4x4.mpd (Size: 5.37 KB / Downloads: 8)

The hovering problem is due to 8-LDU (a plate) offset between front and rear axles.
I've resolved this by inclining the vehicle to front slightly.

RE: 6675 - Road & Trail 4x4 - N. W. Perry - 2022-02-11

(2022-02-11, 14:41)Takeshi Takahashi Wrote: Updated: Corrected misplaced parts and colours

The hovering problem is due to 8-LDU (a plate) offset between front and rear axles.
I've resolved this by inclining the vehicle to front slightly.

This is where my imagined "put on ground" script would come in handy. :-)