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Development break due to hardware upgrade / move to new flat - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Development break due to hardware upgrade / move to new flat (/thread-21577.html)

Development break due to hardware upgrade / move to new flat - Nils Schmidt - 2016-06-07


I just moved to a new flat and did a hardware / VR / system upgrade on my desktop machine as well.
The upgrade inlcuded a new powerful GPU configuration (2x NVIDIA GTX 1080, SLI).
Currently, there are no open source linux drivers for the GPU, yet.

I need about a week to play a little bit with my new workstation / VR headset and will then continue to work on LDPartEditor.
Of course, I will not raise the hardware requirements for LDPE... :)



RE: Development break due to hardware upgrade / move to new flat - Philippe Hurbain - 2016-06-07

Quote:Of course, I will not raise the hardware requirements for LDPE... Smile
Good Wink
Though VR might be nice for 3D edition ;D

RE: Development break due to hardware upgrade / move to new flat - Merlijn Wissink - 2016-06-07

Sounds fun! I was planning on buying the Vive, but I thought the price of the Vive (together with a new high-end gpu) was a little too high.
I only realize now that I bought a new €600 monitor a few weeks ago and I need a new gpu, so I could've bought the Vive. Sigh...

Anyway, enjoy Big Grin