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Western - Printable Version

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Western - Willy Tschager - 2016-03-14

Topic for the Western theme.

6769 - Fort Legoredo - Willy Tschager - 2016-03-14

6769 - Fort Legoredo


OMR compliant
Known errors: Four heads substituted with others

I thought I had authored all parts in this set. Looks like I'll get busy with LDPC

6716 - Covered Wagon - Willy Tschager - 2016-03-16

6716 - Covered Wagon


OMR compliant
Known errors: none

RE: 6769 - Fort Legoredo - Willy Tschager - 2016-06-04

(2016-03-14, 22:53)Willy Tschager Wrote: 6769 - Fort Legoredo

OMR compliant
Known errors: Four heads substituted with others

I thought I had authored all parts in this set. Looks like I'll get busy with LDPC

Now contains the 4 missing heads.


RE: Western - Willy Tschager - 2016-06-06

6706 - Frontier Patrol


.mpd   6706 - Frontier Patrol.mpd (Size: 21.91 KB / Downloads: 12)

OMR compliant
Known errors: Yellow Minifig, Head Beard with Gray Facial Hair Pattern substituted with lookalike The used 3626bp39.dat was actually the right part. It was authored wrongly. The corrected version is now on the PT: http://www.ldraw.org/cgi-bin/ptdetail.cgi?s=3626bp39

RE: Western - Willy Tschager - 2016-10-12

6755 - Sheriff's Lock-Up

.png   6755 - Sheriff's Lock-Up.png (Size: 175.65 KB / Downloads: 381)

.mpd   6755 - Sheriff's Lock-Up.mpd (Size: 823.09 KB / Downloads: 14)

OMR compliant

Known errors: None

RE: Western - Philippe Hurbain - 2016-10-13

Very, very nice!
...but the gun in the barrel is main color instead of lbg.
Which makes me think that maybe main color definition in LDConfig.ldr should be changed to something more prominent to make this kind of error easier to spot (I have been caught with this several times too). For years I use pale yellow (ffff80) as my default color in ldview and it works rather well, light enough to see all details in newly created parts, and not too close of usual LEGO colors.

RE: Western - Willy Tschager - 2016-10-13

Like the idea. Added it to the color thread and we'll see what others might think about it.


RE: Western - Philippe Hurbain - 2016-10-13

(2016-10-13, 16:01)Willy Tschager Wrote: Like the idea. Added it to the color thread and we'll see what others might think about it.

You mean, I need add it to the thread, or you already added it (but I don't find it)?

RE: Western - Willy Tschager - 2016-10-13

(2016-10-13, 17:38)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: You mean, I need add it to the thread, or you already added it (but I don't find it)?

Correct. It's your baby after all :-)


RE: Western - Philippe Hurbain - 2016-10-13

Done Wink

RE: Western - Willy Tschager - 2016-11-26

2845 - Indian Chief

.png   2845 - Indian Chief.png (Size: 78.94 KB / Downloads: 337)

.mpd   2845 - Indian Chief.mpd (Size: 344.31 KB / Downloads: 7)

OMR compliant
Known errors: none

RE: Western - Willy Tschager - 2016-11-28

2846 - Indian Kayak

.png   2846 - Indian Kayak.png (Size: 68.32 KB / Downloads: 315)

.mpd   2846 - Indian Kayak.mpd (Size: 37.12 KB / Downloads: 6)

OMR compliant
Known errors: none

RE: Western - Willy Tschager - 2017-01-29

6712 - Sheriff's Showdown


.mpd   6712 - Sheriff's Showdown.mpd (Size: 3.16 KB / Downloads: 6)

OMR compliant
Known errors: none

RE: Western - Willy Tschager - 2017-02-20

6761 - Bandit's Secret Hide-Out


.mpd   6761 - Bandit's Secret Hide-Out.mpd (Size: 227.51 KB / Downloads: 17)

OMR compliant
Known errors: none

RE: Western - Willy Tschager - 2017-02-20

Please don't forget to add it to the OMR


RE: Western - Merlijn Wissink - 2017-02-26

And the Western sets are now also up to date on the OMR  Smile

RE: Western - Willy Tschager - 2017-02-26

(2017-02-26, 10:41)Merlijn Wissink Wrote: And the Western sets are now also up to date on the OMR  Smile

Big Grin


RE: Western - Willy Tschager - 2017-07-25

6765 - Gold City Junction


.mpd   6765 - Gold City Junction.mpd (Size: 1.86 MB / Downloads: 16)

OMR compliant
Known errors: none

RE: Western - Willy Tschager - 2017-07-26

6790 - Bandit'S Wheelgun


.mpd   6790 - Bandit's Wheelgun.mpd (Size: 2.15 KB / Downloads: 8)

OMR compliant
Known errors: none

RE: Western - Willy Tschager - 2017-07-28

6799 - Showdown Canyon - Carriage


.mpd   6799 - Showdown Canyon - Carriage.mpd (Size: 12.74 KB / Downloads: 8)

OMR compliant
Known errors: none

6799 - Showdown Canyon - Wheelgun


.mpd   6799 - Showdown Canyon - Wheelgun.mpd (Size: 3.33 KB / Downloads: 6)

OMR compliant
Known errors: none

Hurray, with this set at least the Western/Cowboys series is complete!

RE: Western - Philippe Hurbain - 2017-07-28

(2017-07-28, 8:46)Willy Tschager Wrote: Hurray, with this set at least the Western/Cowboys series is complete!
Congratulations Wink

RE: Western - Willy Tschager - 2017-07-28

(2017-07-28, 9:10)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: Congratulations Wink

Big Grin Will tackle the patterned Indian horses next and hopefully come up with a not too laborious technique for the formed tepee.


RE: Western - Willy Tschager - 2021-06-13

6718 - Raindance Ridge


.mpd   6718 - Raindance Ridge.mpd (Size: 268.66 KB / Downloads: 5)

OMR compliant
Known errors: none
Done with LDCad 1.6d

RE: Western - Willy Tschager - 2021-06-14

6709 - Tribal Chief


.mpd   6709 - Tribal Chief.mpd (Size: 2.19 KB / Downloads: 5)

OMR compliant
Known errors: none
Done with LDCad 1.6d

6746 - Chief's Tepee - Willy Tschager - 2024-06-12


.mpd   6746 - Chief's Tepee.mpd (Size: 363.9 KB / Downloads: 4)
OMR compliant
Known errors: none
Done with LDCad 1.6d

Please note the most important unoffical part currently at the PT for revision: The Sheet Fabric Tepee Cover with Black Edge and Horses Pattern (Formed) Never mind, if you haven't been at the LDraw core meeting in Billund you'll not understand this inside joke.

6748 - Boulder Cliff Canyon - Willy Tschager - 2024-07-20


.ldr   6748 - Boulder Cliff Canyon.ldr (Size: 302.1 KB / Downloads: 2)
OMR compliant
Known errors: none
Done with LDCad 1.6d

6766 - Rapid River Village - Willy Tschager - 2024-08-02

HURRAY!!! It's done. The western is complete.


.mpd   6766 - Rapid River Village.mpd (Size: 478.08 KB / Downloads: 4)
OMR compliant
Known errors: none
Done with LDCad 1.6d2