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LPub3D - page setup questions - Printable Version

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LPub3D - page setup questions - Jetro de Château - 2016-03-02

I've been looking at instructions generated with LPub to get some ideas of what's possible and I've seen some interesting things.

I've found out I can get a submodel to show up in the PLI of the step it is used in using

Now I'm trying to figure out if I can show the complete submodel before the first step of that submodel in a PLI like bubble - I've seen it done, just haven't found the way to do it yet.

P.S. Jaco, I have been going through some of your excellent explanations on your website, but navigation is sometimes very complicated. I can never find a way to go to the next page, only up Wink

Re: LPub3D - page setup questions - Jaco van der Molen - 2016-03-07

Hi Jetro,

Nice of you to share this, I did not know that one yet.
I think I saw it before too, but I never use it.
You can add a complete submodel to the main assembly once done and when it is placed though.

You are right about my website. I am reorganizing, rewriting and reordering things, but haven't got much time to do that.
Too many models to complete BI's for and too busy with some other things.
It has my attention though and I will still try to create some order in the chaos.

Re: LPub3D - page setup questions - Jetro de Château - 2016-03-07

Jaco van der Molen Wrote:You can add a complete submodel to the main assembly once done and when it is placed though.
Not sure I understand what you are saying...

Re: LPub3D - page setup questions - Jaco van der Molen - 2016-03-07

This is the option where you do not place a submodel in a callout but just create a page or multiple pages with BI for that submodel. This is sometimes the case when submodels are too big and have too many steps.
On the end of that page or at the last page of BI for the submodel you can choose for "Add Assembled Image to Parent Page".
It will create a callout and render the complete submodel on the page in the step that the submodel is on.

Re: LPub3D - page setup questions - Jetro de Château - 2016-03-07

Thanks. I remember seeing that, but somehow never tried it out.