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Ant Man Minifig Helmet - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Ant Man Minifig Helmet (/thread-18026.html)

Ant Man Minifig Helmet - Mike Napolitan - 2015-11-17

Does anyone know if this has been added to LDD yet?

[Image: 20917c01.jpg?2http:]

I've been looking but I don't see it, maybe I'm just missing it somehow?


Re: Ant Man Minifig Helmet - Philippe Hurbain - 2015-11-17

Found nothing either. Probably this part is too recent to be in LDD that got no update for almost one year.

Re: Ant Man Minifig Helmet - Mike Napolitan - 2015-11-17

Ok, that's what I thought. Thanks!!