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Help with Bricksmith and LPub - Printable Version

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Help with Bricksmith and LPub - Ramón Figueroa-Centeno - 2011-11-29


I created a model with Bricksmith and then I did the instructions with LPub. When I open the result in Bricksmith, it does not know how to parse it.

Is there a way that I can get the two to co-exist? Right now, when I want to modify the model I have to re-generate the instructions in LPub.

I have attached the original (lpr) and the instructions (mpd).



Re: Help with Bricksmith and LPub - Orion Pobursky - 2011-11-29

In all likelihood Bricksmith doesn't recognized some/all of the LPub meta commands. A file modified for use in LPub will look strange when open in a regular editor.

Re: Help with Bricksmith and LPub - Don Heyse - 2011-11-29

The lpub output file has unix lineends (\n) and the original has has DOS lineends (\r\n).

Perhaps you can feed the lpub output file through a unix2dos converter before opening it in bricksmith.

Re: Help with Bricksmith and LPub - Orion Pobursky - 2011-11-29

I would highly surprised if Bricksmith couldn't handle unix line endings.

Re: Help with Bricksmith and LPub - Don Heyse - 2011-11-29

Me too, but it's probably worth a try to convert the file.

Re: Help with Bricksmith and LPub - Ramón Figueroa-Centeno - 2011-11-29


It is not the line endings. It chokes on the meta commands. If the LPub file is simple it can handle it.



Re: Help with Bricksmith and LPub - Ramón Figueroa-Centeno - 2011-11-29


I compared the files and the only differences are:

1. line endings (which I ruled out as the cause of the problems).
2. Capitalization of some names (unlikelly cause).
3. The LPub meta commands (the likely cause).



Re: Help with Bricksmith and LPub - Jim DeVona - 2011-11-29

Incidentally, the only LDraw programs I'm aware of that cannot handle UNIX line endings are James Jessiman's original LDRAW and EDIT programs. In my non-exhaustive testing of 15+ other programs on multiple platforms I encountered no evident compatibility problems: anoved.net/2010/01/ldraw-line-endings/

Re: Help with Bricksmith and LPub - Jim DeVona - 2011-11-30

Hi Ramón,

What version of Bricksmith are you using? I ask because I am using Bricksmith 2.5.1 (on Mac OS X 10.7.2) and it doesn't seem to have any trouble opening both of the files you've attached (see below).

[Image: f1-racer-lpub-bricksmith-300x168.jpg]

Has anyone else tested opening the files in Bricksmith? What is your experience?


(Additionally - I'm not convinced that LPub meta statements could be to blame because like all meta commands they are type 0 lines, which are just ignored as comments if not recognized.)

Re: Help with Bricksmith and LPub - Ramón Figueroa-Centeno - 2011-11-30

Doh! I was running 2.5. It seems 2.5.1 solves the problem, yay!

Mahalo a Plenty!


Re: Help with Bricksmith and LPub - Jim DeVona - 2011-11-30


Looking at the version history, I'm guessing the issue was something to do with the last line of the file - the LPub output ends with a newline, whereas the original file did not. Version 2.5 probably expected the file to end with "0 NOFILE" and no newline.

Re: Help with Bricksmith and LPub - Jaco van der Molen - 2011-12-01

All LPub Metacommands should parse in any other program like comments because they start with a 0 (zero).
But I see updating Bricksmith solves your problem.