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Part 20310 Brick, Modified 1 x 1 with Capital Open Stud - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Part 20310 Brick, Modified 1 x 1 with Capital Open Stud (/thread-16535.html)

Part 20310 Brick, Modified 1 x 1 with Capital Open Stud - Jaco van der Molen - 2015-05-27

Hi all,

Its been a while since I've been here, but I am still into LDraw!
For a new model I need this very new part:
It is only used (or going to be used) in http://brickset.com/sets/41098-1/Emma-s-Tourist-Kiosk which is brand new too.
Can someone make a mockup or create the part?
I can provide hi-res pictures if needed.



Re: Part 20310 Brick, Modified 1 x 1 with Capital Open Stud - Magnus Forsberg - 2015-05-27

Hi Jaco,

Here is a rough mock-up of what I see on that picture.

Re: Part 20310 Brick, Modified 1 x 1 with Capital Open Stud - Gerald Lasser - 2015-05-27

I got the part and it is really a challenge to get the spiral right...

Magnus' part is fine for the time being. The round part goes down 16 LDU from the top, it is actually a bit larger.

I am takign it up and refining it.

Re: Part 20310 Brick, Modified 1 x 1 with Capital Open Stud - Jaco van der Molen - 2015-05-28

Great Magnus! That will do perfectly fine for now. Thanks so much.
And @Gerald: thanks for picking that up. I am anxious to see it.

Re: Part 20310 Brick, Modified 1 x 1 with Capital Open Stud - Philippe Hurbain - 2015-05-28

It can probably be done with pathtruder rotation option (that's how I did the unicorn horn 89522)... but it's really tricky Wink

Re: Part 20310 Brick, Modified 1 x 1 with Capital Open Stud - Magnus Forsberg - 2015-05-28

I made a new version, making the round thing 16ldu high.
Thanks Gerald for continuing.

Re: Part 20310 Brick, Modified 1 x 1 with Capital Open Stud - Gerald Lasser - 2015-05-28

Magnus, that looks very good!

Here's my version:

Still gaps from using the disc primitives to generate the spiral. Missing edge lines, mirrored Part not BFC'ed, edge-lines missing etc...
I think of using the ring-prims to get a better representation of the spiral and the slanted faced within the spiral. The yellow part is from an experiment to reduce the number of faces.

PS: I do not understand why LDView gives me a slightly visible line where the two top faces join although they are modeled as T-junctions...

Re: Part 20310 Brick, Modified 1 x 1 with Capital Open Stud - Magnus Forsberg - 2015-05-28

Looking good.

Gerald Wrote:PS: I do not understand why LDView gives me a slightly visible line where the two top faces join although they are modeled as T-junctions...

This isn't a T-junction problem. It is the top edge of the quad below the two top surfaces bleeding through.

4 7 0 0 7 -10 0 7 -10 0 -7 0 0 -7
4 7 0 0 7 0 0 -7 20 0 -10 20 0 10
4 7 0 24 -10 0 0 -7 0 0 7 0 24 10

.png   Three surfaces in one line.PNG (Size: 4.04 KB / Downloads: 0)

If a third surface joins the same common line between two tri/quads, it will always be visible in some angles in LDView.
Avoid it, if possible.

Re: Part 20310 Brick, Modified 1 x 1 with Capital Open Stud - Gerald Lasser - 2015-12-04

latest status in reply to Philo's upload to the PT.

Re: Part 20310 Brick, Modified 1 x 1 with Capital Open Stud - Philippe Hurbain - 2015-12-04

Sorry Gerald, forgot you worked on this already, and progressed that far. Feel free to replace my version with yours!

Re: Part 20310 Brick, Modified 1 x 1 with Capital Open Stud - Jaco van der Molen - 2015-12-05

Looks great all.

Re: Part 20310 Brick, Modified 1 x 1 with Capital Open Stud - Gerald Lasser - 2016-02-22

quick heads up, I am in the final stages for this part finally!