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Part Request 75972 Code Pilot - Printable Version

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Part Request 75972 Code Pilot - Eric Albrecht - 2014-09-16

Philo was kind enough to mock up the Code Pilot for me years ago when I was building the LDraw file of the 8479 garbage truck. I'm now getting to the point when I'll be preparing the 1997 edition of Technicopedia soon and would appreciate being able to show the part in greater detail. Of course, I can just photograph it and I realize that this is a very unique part that has little demand, so I understand if there are higher priorities. I see that it has been sitting in the unofficial queue for a long time so I thought I would mention it.


Re: Part Request 75972 Code Pilot - Max Martin Richter - 2014-09-16

I'll have the part, but I have to find the time for doing the details. Maybe I can do the outer shape details. And do the inside later. I hope this would work for you.


Re: Part Request 75972 Code Pilot - Philippe Hurbain - 2014-09-16

Max, you are welcome to improve the elements I already created: http://www.ldraw.org/cgi-bin/ptscan.cgi?q=code+pilot

Re: Part Request 75972 Code Pilot - Max Martin Richter - 2014-09-16

Philo, I know this Mockup. But there was still no time in the past.
And you may have recognized that the 3-blade-propellor with 24 tooth gear is still undone... Sorry for that.
As soon as I can find the time, I'll send you some files for the propellor...
BTW: I have to find the propellor itself, cause it got lost in mess...


Re: Part Request 75972 Code Pilot - Philippe Hurbain - 2014-09-17

Yeah, I know, time...
I think I started the cover model at the time, I'll try to find it again and post it here.

Re: Part Request 75972 Code Pilot - Eric Albrecht - 2014-09-17

For my purposes, the inside details are unimportant. So if you could get the outside looking accurate (at least showing the 9V wire connections and the scanner) that would meet my needs.

Re: Part Request 75972 Code Pilot - Philippe Hurbain - 2014-09-18

Not only I started it, but it was quite advanced (though there is still a lot of work to do!). Don't remember what distracted me at the time. I have not found again 32021s01.dat, but it's not difficult to figure...

Re: Part Request 75972 Code Pilot - Max Martin Richter - 2014-09-18

Thanks Philo, this is a great starting point.
I opened my unit yesterday in the very late evening. Do you want to create the pattern, when I finished the part?

Re: Part Request 75972 Code Pilot - Philippe Hurbain - 2014-09-18

Quote:Do you want to create the pattern, when I finished the part?
OK, shouldn't be very hard...

Re: Part Request 75972 Code Pilot - Max Martin Richter - 2014-10-09

Just a short update...
I decided to do a rework, because a lot of measures had been wrong.
I'll upload a mockup-version, with the complete outside of the code pilot, when it's finished.
Part is on PT...
Next steps:
Create the top cover - Completely finished
Create the 2nd half of the "Laser Cone" - Completely finished
Create the transparent "Laser Magnifier" - Completely finished
Adapt Philo's 71375 (Keypad) to the corrected dimensions - Completely finished
Create/fix/adapt Philo's 32023.dat - Completely finished
Create/fix/adapt Philo's 32022.dat - Completely finished
Create Battery Springs - Completely finished
Create the Electric Brick incl. metal part - Completely finished
Create the Screws and add them to 32021c01/32021p01c01 - Completely finished
Create the Conductor Plate Dummy - Completely finished


Re: Part Request 75972 Code Pilot - Philippe Hurbain - 2014-10-10

Quote:I decided to do a rework, because a lot of measure had been wrong.
Mmhhh... might explain why I stopped working on this one, if I reached a dead end. I hope you didn't spent too much time trying to reuse my wrong startup!

Re: Part Request 75972 Code Pilot - Max Martin Richter - 2014-10-14

It's growing...

Re: Part Request 75972 Code Pilot - Philippe Hurbain - 2014-10-14


Re: Part Request 75972 Code Pilot - Eric Albrecht - 2014-10-16

Wow, that is some incredible detail! Thanks for all your work on this. When you are done, I'll have to make a special render of 8479 with a close-up view of the Code Pilot.

Re: Part Request 75972 Code Pilot - Max Martin Richter - 2014-10-18

The part is finished so far. I prepared everything for loading it to the PT.
BUT this has to wait some hours, cause I'm not sure about the origins of some subparts and a also think about the correct shortcuts - not to say, that I need some minutes to take all the needed subparts and new primitives to the PT...


Re: Part Request 75972 Code Pilot - Max Martin Richter - 2014-10-18

The visible area is done and uploaded!
[Image: 32022p01c01.png]
Please note that the LEGO logo isn't the right one. Before I continue with the part itself, I prepare the "old" 1973 logo and upload a corrected version. Done...


Re: Part Request 75972 Code Pilot - Max Martin Richter - 2014-10-19

LEGO Logo is corrected now!


Re: Part Request 75972 Code Pilot - Max Martin Richter - 2015-02-11

Except of the Conductor Plate the complete Part is finished... :-)


Re: Part Request 75972 Code Pilot - Max Martin Richter - 2015-02-26

It's finally done:


Re: Part Request 75972 Code Pilot - Eric Albrecht - 2015-03-27

Looks amazing, thanks!