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I just release version of DATHeader.

1) Editor - Replace implemented
2) Postprocessing with Rectifier implemented.
1) Part description check warning messagebox for primitives disabled.
But the result of the check might still be wrong!
1) Detected '0 BFC CERTIFY CW' or similar was not been fixed.
2) If a line '0 BFC CW' or '0 BFC CCW' is in a file the bodycheck stopped with error message.
3) If the Header has been changed the linenumber in the editor was not correct.
4) In the Gui of the header data the field for Update is placed incorrect if window is resized.
5) Autocorrection claims for subparts not to use CATAGORY and KEYWORDS

Please leave all comments for this version as response to this topic.

Have fun.
Download from DATHeader Webside
Related with this experiment I tested Datheader with textured mapped parts. I found some issues:
- I believe that the structure I used is valid (having a direct geometry in Texmap section and no fallback), but Datheader doesn't like this. I think that most parts using texmaps will actually be done this way...
- Even when texmap syntax is changed and Datheader sees no errors, it insists on changing all texmaps 0 ! metas to comment lines 0 // !.
- Datheader does no longer protest if description is more that 64 characters. Though I'd like it, I don't think this restriction has been dropped already ???
Initially, I think that the fallback geometry is going to be required to have at least a low-fidelity version of what's on the texture. Since this isn't really possible without having texture geometry and fallback geometry separate, I'm not sure that requiring both sections in DATHeader is wrong.
You need to have in any case a fallback section. Also in the spec there is at not place mentioned that the fallback section is optional. And this makes sence. Not every viewer will display the texture section, so this application needs to know what to show.
NOTE: be cautious (and think through your approach) when including geometry2 lines. This feature is present for use generally in the case where the textured and non-textured FALLBACK geometry are the same. This is a rare occurrence, and normally would not be used.
So if you use geometry2 lines the same can occur as geometry3 lines. Geometry3 lines needs to be present in any case.

it insists on changing all texmaps 0 ! metas to comment lines 0 // !
A sample would be nice. But I think you used only "0 !" instead of "0 !:". I am right?

I have forgotten to set the value back to 64 for the part description check. As the discussion rised I looked into the code how to quickly change in case of dropping that limit. I'll upload the corrected version quickly, if the other both issues are cleared to be not an issue Smile
Quote:You need to have in any case a fallback section.
Not convinced about this: you get to do twice the work if you want both a texture and a meaningful fallback.
Quote:A sample would be nice. But I think you used only "0 !" instead of "0 !:". I am right?
It happens on all texmap metas when saving after any correction to the file occured in Datheader (eg. name change to match file name).
Yes, you are right. You have to do the work twice!
But I wasn't right that in any case there needs to be a Fallback section. I try to explain with my own words:
The Fallback section is the description of the pattern in LDraw style like we have done forever. If you now add a !TEXMAP section you can simplify the surface to maybe only a quad. That is placed in the geometric1 section with "!:" meta command.
You are allowed to ommit geometric1 and also geometric3 (FALLBACK section) if and only if geometric2 is present and then geometric2 needs to be the pattern in LDraw style.(This is currently not covered by DATHeader!)
The idea is that the TEXMAP is an improvement for pattern, but the pattern section should also be present for those viewers that can not deal with TEXMAP.

DATHeader Save:
Ok, I need to have a look at that.
Problem was that in official files so far only the Metacommands "BFC" and "//" where allowed. Now two more are allowed: "!TEXMAP" and "!:".
I do some additional tests and then upload the new version with this issue fixed.

Thank you very much for your feedback.
I just released version of DATHeader.

1) Length of part description is not limited to 64 characters.
2) !TEXMAP and !: are not recognized as allowed Metacommands.

Please leave all comments for this version as response to this topic.

Have fun.
Download from DATHeader Webside
Hello Mike, I just tested this version from scratch. I observed a small glitch:
when running the program initially, and it is asking for initial preferences (username etc.),
then the dropdown box for the license is empty, and the user can choose from no proper dropdown values.
After the first termination and restart, the license can be properly chosen in the preferences.
Thanks for mention this issue.
As I now own a new system where I do coding and also switching to VBE2010 IDE I will have a look at it shortly.

I found a way to solve this issue.

DATHeader will be updated shortly.

I just release version of DATHeader.

1) The missing CR LF at file end does now not generate an error message.

Please leave all comments for this version as response to this topic.

Have fun.

DATHeader Website

I get an error in some parts, where I didn't set up a category.
So, that I have to set a "dummy" category and remove it after check with DATHeader.

Please upload such a file, so I can investigate.

It is correct that at some parts the category entry has to be set!

For example:

part description is: ~Duplo Train Track Straight Short (Half)

~ will be ignored
Duplo is not in the category list. Therefore a category is required!
I just release version of DATHeader.

1) 0 and 0 // will be treated as not specification conform comment.
2) Lines with 0 only will be cleared to be an empty line.
3) Lines with 0 // only will be cleared to be an empty line.
4) On correction of not correct comment lines the empty lines now stay in the file.
5) Now the current user temp path and not the system temp path is used if necessary.
6) Part description length restriction to 64 characters has been extended to Integer.MaxValue (2.147.483.647).

Please leave all comments for this version as response to this topic.

Have fun.
Download from DATHeader Webside