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Full Version: New parts database at Brickset!
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The guys at Brickset have created a new parts database, based on data provided by LEGO through "replacement parts" service. There you'll get design numbers/item numbers/parts image.
The database: http://www.brickset.com/parts/browse/
Database creation announcement: http://www.bricksetforum.com/discussion/...s-browsing
Interesting about that is that different version of one part (e.g. Plate 1 x 1 with Clip Vertical) have different numbers. Also all pattern version have there own number. Now it's clear why we have five digits numbers as part numbers. Because there are abot 30000 (almost) parts existing if you count each pattern version as one part.

This data base is quite new- so parts which where not produced in the last 6-7 years are not in. For older parts it's not useful, but for all the latest parts.