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Please bear with me- I am very much new to this whole thing- my 10 year old son loves to create his own Lego models and it has been his dream to create instructions to share with his friends. I’m trying to assist him, I discovered LDCAD and learned the basics in how to use it, then got him started. We got his first model completed, spent quite a bit of time refining the steps and getting it all figured out, then imported it into LPub3D to create the instructions. The first time we opened it, it was fine, then we started editing things and got the cover page looking nice. When we went further, we discovered something that needed to be fixed, so went back to LDCAD to edit that. We had both programs running, which I think was a mistake because then they kept asking if we wanted to update what the other program had changed, and I think we made the wrong choice at some point. In the process of figuring that out, we lost a bunch of edits, but then realized we needed to just run one program, do the edits and save before going to the other program to continue. Once we finished our edits in LDCAD, we went back to try and work on the instructions in LPub3D and it gives us this error- “step with INSERT COVER_PAGE meta command cannot contain type 1-5 line. Invalid type at line 31 (file:main.ldr, line:30) “. I’m at a loss on how to resolve this- I assume there’s is some piece of code that needs to be edited, but I don’t know how to get to it or what to change it to. That’s all kind of beyond my scope of understanding at this point- I am willing to learn if I can, but haven’t been able to find the right info on how to fix that. Can someone help me understand what/how to fix this? Thanks.
(2024-12-01, 14:56)Heather S Wrote: [ -> ]Please bear with me- I am very much new to this whole thing- my 10 year old son loves to create his own Lego models and it has been his dream to create instructions to share with his friends. I’m trying to assist him, I discovered LDCAD and learned the basics in how to use it, then got him started. We got his first model completed, spent quite a bit of time refining the steps and getting it all figured out, then imported it into LPub3D to create the instructions. The first time we opened it, it was fine, then we started editing things and got the cover page looking nice. When we went further, we discovered something that needed to be fixed, so went back to LDCAD to edit that. We had both programs running, which I think was a mistake because then they kept asking if we wanted to update what the other program had changed, and I think we made the wrong choice at some point. In the process of figuring that out, we lost a bunch of edits, but then realized we needed to just run one program, do the edits and save before going to the other program to continue. Once we finished our edits in LDCAD, we went back to try and work on the instructions in LPub3D and it gives us this error- “step with INSERT COVER_PAGE meta command cannot contain type 1-5 line. Invalid type at line 31 (file:main.ldr, line:30) “. I’m at a loss on how to resolve this- I assume there’s is some piece of code that needs to be edited, but I don’t know how to get to it or what to change it to. That’s all kind of beyond my scope of understanding at this point- I am willing to learn if I can, but haven’t been able to find the right info on how to fix that. Can someone help me understand what/how to fix this? Thanks.


can you upload this file. It could be that a step command is missing.


(2024-12-01, 15:16)Manfred Schaefer Wrote: [ -> ]Hello,

can you upload this file. It could be that a step command is missing.



Here is the file
Not really experienced at Lpub3D, but from a quick look it seems that most of the lines that should set up pages were removed.

Copying some of the 'surviving' lines to each step made the file openable again, but many pages are distorted. Maybe this helps someone more experienced to work on.

Best regards,
(2024-12-01, 23:10)Heather S Wrote: [ -> ]Here is the file


I was able to open your file without any problems. I am using LPub3D version 2.3.13.
I noticed that you have not separated the cover page and the last page from the construction steps.
I have attached my file with the changes. See if you can open this file.


(2024-12-01, 14:56)Heather S Wrote: [ -> ]...my 10 year old son loves to create his own Lego models and it has been his dream to create instructions to share with his friends. I’m trying to assist him...

Once we finished our edits in LDCAD, we went back to try and work on the instructions in LPub3D and it gives us this error- “step with INSERT COVER_PAGE meta command cannot contain type 1-5 line. Invalid type at line 31 (file:main.ldr, line:30) “.

It was a pleasure to read your backstory. In fact, it is the same reason LPub3D exists - except I have a daughter. That was about 10 years ago.

Anyway, as stated by an earlier post, it is necessary to 1. insert a 0 STEP command after 0 !LPUB INSERT COVER_PAGE FRONT (line 32) and 2. Move 0 !LPUB INSERT COVER_PAGE BACK (line 228) to between 0 STEP (line 241) and 0 NOFILE (line 242).

The INSERT COVER_PAGE error is basically saying that it is not possible to have lines that begin with 1 to 5 - which are generally lines that define parts, their components and their attributes - share the same STEP with a cover page command. Lastly, it is also saying where in your model file you can find the discrepancy that triggered the error message.

(2024-12-02, 18:32)Manfred Schaefer Wrote: [ -> ]Hello,

I was able to open your file without any problems. I am using LPub3D version 2.3.13.
I noticed that you have not separated the cover page and the last page from the construction steps.
I have attached my file with the changes. See if you can open this file.



Thank you so much for this! I didn’t modify the commands directly, just by using menu options and such, so I am not sure how that got messed up, but I’m so thankful you were able to figure it out! He was very excited to be able to continue editing steps and making the instructions tonight! Thanks again!
(2024-12-03, 1:24)Trevor Sandy Wrote: [ -> ]It was a pleasure to read your backstory. In fact, it is the same reason LPub3D exists - except I have a daughter. That was about 10 years ago.

Anyway, as stated by an earlier post, it is necessary to 1. insert a 0 STEP command after 0 !LPUB INSERT COVER_PAGE FRONT (line 32) and 2. Move 0 !LPUB INSERT COVER_PAGE BACK (line 228) to between 0 STEP (line 241) and 0 NOFILE (line 242).

The INSERT COVER_PAGE error is basically saying that it is not possible to have lines that begin with 1 to 5 - which are generally lines that define parts, their components and their attributes - share the same STEP with a cover page command. Lastly, it is also saying where in your model file you can find the discrepancy that triggered the error message.


Thank you for the explanation, and for this super cool program! I think my son and I can both learn a lot about coding, etc through this, as well as fulfilling his dream to make the instructions! He was leaning on my shoulder while I figured out some of this tonight and he sighed and said “This has been my dream, to make my own Lego set, since I was 4!” He sure would have stayed up all night to finish, if I had let him! Thanks again!