The 2011-02 LDraw parts update has been now been released.
This update includes 786 files in the core library, including 474 new parts. A further 19 parts have been redeveloped by authors who have affirmed the
Contributor Agreement, replacing files that were not redistributable. Only five "non-CA" files remain in the library and every effort is being made to replace those in the next update.
This is a big step in reducing the backlog on the Parts Tracker and brings the number of files to its lowest level since September 2006. Thanks are due to everyone who created or corrected parts for this release and to those who have reviewed files in order to make this release happen.
You can preview the new parts in 2011-02 and download the update by going to the
updates page.
The 160 certified files currently on the LDraw Parts Tracker were held back from this update in keeping with our normal practice of not releasing new primitives or subparts until they are needed for an official part file. Many of the further 337 files waiting for admin review should be included in the next release.
Woo hoo!
Many thanks to everybody involved.
What is the true state of currently non-CA files. IIRC last time I checked there were three, and now there are five?
According to, 3626bps8 still needs to be rewritten, but it's one of the parts in this update! So what's going on.
This page lists "Priority Non-CA Parts" but according to the file header,
32125 (on that page) has already been rewritten! (although its subpart has not).
I am terribly confused.
If there are parts that still need to be completely rewritten that nobody is already working on, I would gladly attempt to do so myself because then I wouldn't need to worry about "redistributing" the non-ca parts when somebody wants to view them from my web-based ldraw software (I can't simply have them loaded directly from because of the
same origin policy, and the distinction between a caching proxy script and a file mirror gets very legally shady very fast as far as I can understand it) not to mention the huge sigh of relief finally having the whole ca rewrite thing over with would undoubtedly bring to at-least a few other people; after all, it's been, what, 7 years now?
Also, in the
updates page... 2011-01 is listed twice, and there's no 2011-02

Jean-Philippe Ouellet Wrote:What is the true state of currently non-CA files. IIRC last time I checked there were three, and now there are five?
I'm not sure where you ever saw only three non-CA files, but now there are definitely five files remaining:
Jean-Philippe Ouellet Wrote:According to, 3626bps8 still needs to be rewritten, but it's one of the parts in this update! So what's going on.
3626bps8 was re-written by Nils Schmitt on 2011-10-20 as documented in the header for the newly released part. I've only just updated that page.
Jean-Philippe Ouellet Wrote:This page lists "Priority Non-CA Parts" but according to the file header, 32125 (on that page) has already been rewritten! (although its subpart has not).
Yes, it has been re-written but not yet reviewed. Its subpart was newly created as part of the re-write.
Jean-Philippe Ouellet Wrote:I am terribly confused.
If there are parts that still need to be completely rewritten that nobody is already working on, ...
There is nothing left to re-write - new versions of all five non-CA files are shown on
the Review Summary page along with their dependents. I am optimistic we can complete the review in time for the 2012-01 update.
Jean-Philippe Ouellet Wrote:Also, in the updates page... 2011-01 is listed twice, and there's no 2011-02 
Header typo now corrected.
Between this and the updated MLCad, a great end of year for LDraw!
the update is greatly appreciated. thanks to everybody involved!
*Begins greedily devouring this parts update*
*Looks up at glaring part developers, with small parts dripping out of my mouth*
Pfthanks? *whilst looking furtively back at new parts*
In all seriousness, though, thank you to all the part developers who work so hard on all these parts (especially those who finished up many of the parts from my list). You guys (and gals) all rock!
Anyways, when's the next part update? I kid, I kid...

Great. Downloaded and installed
Thanks Chris.
Well done part authors! Thanks for all the hard work and dedication to this project.
Nice to see some more Star Wars parts in this update. I also noticed a few Batman related parts.
Is anyone planning to do the Minifig Hat Batman Cowl?
Bye for now
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I just found out (thanks to Martyn Boogaarts and Laurens Valk) that part 32556 (Technic Pin long) causes LDView to crash if you use this part with LPub. Laurens has a good version of the part that does not crash.
Got it too... problem seems to be a known LDView problem related to BFC, corrected in experimental versions. Laurens "good version" is actually a BFC-less version of regular 32556.
Oh, OK, I see. But does it occur only with this one part?
I had similar problems with other parts while building them (heavy use of BFC/non BFC view toggle).
No such crashes observed here so far, but I'm using LDView experimental
Opened 32556.dat, toggled BFC on and off, and primitives substitution on and off - no problems.
Part is displayed just fine.