Currently we're naming the torso shortcut with the same suffix as the torso (e.g. 973p02 -> 76382p01). As I've come up on torsos that are used more than once I've been using suffixes from obsolete torsos (e.g. 973p01 -> 76382p01 and 76382p11) or a suffix used by a different numbered shortcut (e.g. 973p1r -> 76382p1r and 76382p0v since 973p0v uses 16360, the dual mould arm shortcut).
Since I want to ensure that all 973pXX(X) torsos have at least one torso shortcut with the same suffix, when we run out of these overlaps I don't want to simply use the first available suffix.
Therefore, I proposed that if there is no appropriate and available suffix to take, a torso shortcut will use the pNNNN suffix using the first unused number in sequence.
Another possible scheme:
Name the first one 973pxxx -> 76382pxxx and/or 16360pxxx then if needed 76382pxxx-y and/or 16360pxxx-y with y in 0..9 and a..z
With your scheme torso assembly codes would block some torso codes...
what about 973p01 -> 973p01c01
that would then be both print and assembly
and you can count the c01 up if there are more arm/hand combinations
(2024-11-13, 11:35)Rene Rechthaler Wrote: [ -> ]what about 973p01 -> 973p01c01
that would then be both print and assembly
and you can count the c01 up if there are more arm/hand combinations
This has already been ruled out
(2024-11-13, 11:35)Philo Wrote: [ -> ]Another possible scheme:
Name the first one 973pxxx -> 76382pxxx and/or 16360pxxx then if needed 76382pxxx-y and/or 16360pxxx-y with y in 0..9 and a..z
With your scheme torso assembly codes would block some torso codes...
Not a fan but don't have a specific reason why.
(2024-12-13, 8:11)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: [ -> ]Could we settle on this?
There's already another scheme appearing on PT, 76382pxxxa then 76382pxxxb and so on:
And to add to list of Torso descriptions we have to settle.
There are 42 torsos that miss, or have the word "with" misplaced, in the library.
IMO they should all be corrected before they get a shortcut created.
How do we number shortcuts based on a torso with a sticker?
Where should the sticker be? Use the torso+sticker shortcut, or add the sticker in the assembly?
How should stickered torso assemblies get done? stickered torso+arms or plain assembly+sticker?
I would tend to stickered torso+arms+hands because then it can get inlined/edited one level deep without separating the sticker
Also, was there a decision on adding the color name of non-main color arms and/or hands?
When possible 973pXX(X) should be <torso shortcut>pXX(X) otherwise an open pXX(X) that is used by a different torso shortcut or, if that isn't available, pNNNN. Once we get to pNNNN there no consistency to maintain.
For stickered torsos, the shortcut should be stickered and the name end with dXX.
(2024-12-13, 23:49)N. W. Perry Wrote: [ -> ]Also, was there a decision on adding the color name of non-main color arms and/or hands?
Yes, only add the colors if there are multiple shortcuts that use the same torso.
(2024-12-14, 20:42)Orion Pobursky Wrote: [ -> ]When possible 973pXX(X) should be <torso shortcut>pXX(X) otherwise an open pXX(X) that is used by a different torso shortcut or, if that isn't available, pNNNN. Once we get to pNNNN there no consistency to maintain.
For stickered torsos, the shortcut should be stickered and the name end with dXX.
Could you please give some examples?
Do any of the recent files need renumbering?
For pXX(X) pattern code only:
- The first assembly will always use the same pattern code: 973p01 -> 76382p01
- Any subsequent assemblies will source the pattern code from:
+ Obsolete 973 patterns: 973p11 is obsolete so will never have an assembly so we 973p01 (Second assembly) -> 76382p11
+ Codes in use by other types of torso assemblies: 973p0v uses 16369p0v, therefore 973p1r (Second assembly) -> 76382p0v
If neither of these 2 sources are available or once the pXX(X) codes are exhausted for 973:
- Use the first pXXXX code available starting at p0001
- The pXXXX codes between 973 and the torso assemblies will not be coordinated.
Note: When in doubt, it hurts nothing to choose a pXXXX number.
Note: the pXXX (3 character) codes are only to be used for the CMF series minifigs.
Note: this also means that we need to finish making shortcut for all the existing 973 patterns.
(2024-12-15, 0:11)Orion Pobursky Wrote: [ -> ] + Codes in use by other types of torso assemblies: 973p0v uses 16369p0v, therefore 973p1r (Second assembly) -> 76382p0v
- How do we find the available codes?
- What if LEGO later produces a 973p0v with regular arms?
Quote:Note: When in doubt, it hurts nothing to choose a pXXXX number.
(2024-12-15, 9:10)Magnus Forsberg Wrote: [ -> ]This would mean that 76382px0a and 76382px0b should be renumbered.
Could you please clarify this:
"For stickered torsos, the shortcut should be stickered and the name end with dXX."
Where should the sticker be?
Should we use 973dXX in the complete assembly, or add a loose sticker in it?
Yes, those two will need to be renamed.
I was thinking that the sticker be applied to the assembly. My reasoning is that LEGo considers the assembly a "part". However, I'm not devoted to this way.
(2024-12-15, 21:56)Orion Pobursky Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, those two will need to be renamed.
I was thinking that the sticker be applied to the assembly. My reasoning is that LEGo considers the assembly a "part". However, I'm not devoted to this way.
Just thinking a bit in a different direction regarding this issue, should all stickered assemblies be handled the same way?
There are a few Technic figures with stickered legs (not yet in LDraw), where such an approach might make the part uncomfortable to position.
I mean if the sticker is applied to the assembly, not the leg part itself (where applying the sticker would be relatively easy).}