Is there a documented official standard location or search strategy for the ldconfig.ldr file? I just skimmed the specs and couldn't find this written down anywhere. There's plenty of documentation on the contents of the file though.
I'm asking because I just updated ldglite to look for it in the ldraw directory, which is not normally in the search path for part files, so I want to be absolutely sure this is correct before I build any release executables.
color spec mentions ldconfig.ldr but does not explicitly say where the file resides, although as you say the de facto standard location appears to be the top level of the LDraw directory. This is where it's found in the
LDraw Parts Library zip download, for example.
thank you very much.
sadly, I cannot reply there (hmmm. is this restricion really necessary? aren't we cutting out too many people?)
so I do it here:
the de-facto standard for looking up files seems to be currently:
1. the current folder
2. the MODELS folder
3. the PARTS folder
4. the P folder
so maybe for ldconfig.ldr, a similar approach could be taken: look it up in
1. the current folder
2. the LDRAW root folder
this way, you can override the default file from some folders where you want to do that
Steffen Wrote:
> sadly, I cannot reply there (hmmm. is this
> restricion really necessary?
NO! It worked just fine without restrictions in good ol' Lugnet.
> aren't we cutting out too many people?)
Sorry for yelling...
Tore_Eriksson Wrote:
> Steffen Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > sadly, I cannot reply there (hmmm. is this
> > restricion really necessary?
> NO! It worked just fine without restrictions in
> good ol' Lugnet.
No it didn't. LSC and SteerCo discussion never went on at LUGNET. It always went on in a private mailing list.
> > aren't we cutting out too many people?)
> YES!
> Sorry for yelling...
> /Tore
We're not cutting anyone out who wasn't cut out in the past. The only difference is that all discussion goes on in the same forum rather than having a LUGNET spot and a private mailing list.
Please try to keep to the facts in these issues.
Whether or not we wish to make the LSC and SteerCo discussions open to all is a legitimate question, but one that should be addressed to the SteerCo (who are elected to be responsible for that side of things) rather than to the Webmasters (who aren't).
Tim Gould Wrote:
> Please try to keep to the facts in these issues.
Steffen Wrote:
> sadly, I cannot reply there (hmmm. is this
> restricion really necessary? aren't we cutting out
> too many people?)
As a member of the LSC, I may be biased, but it is my belief that the official LSC discussion forum should indeed be read-only. The point of the LSC (as far as I know) is to have a committee that's large enough to avoid really stupid decisions made but small enough to actually get decisions made.
This isn't to say that we ignore outside discussion, just that official discussions in that forum should be restricted to LSC members.
I completely agree with this, even I wasn't a current member.