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I am done with the sliding bricks.

On Bricklink they are listed as "bb0037" and "bb0037b" in our library we do have only "bb0037b" as "x946"
  • bb0037
    is loosely mounted on the Sliding Brick Holder and kept in place by an extension on the bottom of the Train Base (LDraw: 303, BL: x902)
  • bb0037b (LDraw: x946)
    needs to be pushed in the SLiding Brick Holder to "clip" in place, it will not come loose easily and does not require the Train Base to be held in place

-> Should we call them in a similar fashion?
  1. x946 and x946b or
  2. x946a and x946b

Both bricks consist of several parts and are actually glued togehter, they do not come apart, so I have split them into:
  • u9597a - housing as bb0037
  • u9597b - housing as bb0037b
  • u9580 - weight (2x)
  • u9582 - cover
  • and the existing bearing 3111 (2x)

so the above combined will give us the x946x parts

-> Shortcuts
  • Shall we add shortcuts? They might be reasonable as the brick usually holds two train wheels and swivels with them (by approximately 11 degree in either direction. The question is, what is uncoloured, best is tthe train wheel...
  • They are used as follows
  1. x946(a) with wheel 244c02
    - black wheel with black rubber (sets 162, 727)
    - red wheel with black rubber (set 182)
  2. x946b
    - red wheel 244c01 motor without rubber (set 720)
    - red wheel 243c01 (Set 721)

Main geometry change done:
  • I moved the origin by 6 LDU to have it swivel around the centre of the circle that the bows on the part are part of.
    -> This might have a lot of impact on existing models, as this part is practically since an eternity on the tracker. On the otherhand it is unofficial.
    -> What do you think? is it ok to move the origin or if we use a new naming, the old part will anyway become obsolete

a lot to read! thansk for your input!
(2023-03-15, 17:19)Gerald Lasser Wrote: [ -> ]I am done with the sliding bricks.

-> Should we call them in a similar fashion? 
  • x946a and x946b
-> Shortcuts
  • Coloured wheels, please
x946ac01 and x946bc01

-> Origin
Any unofficial part called xYYY.dat will loose the x on release, and becomes YYY.dat
Changing the origin is Ok.
(2023-03-15, 22:12)Magnus Forsberg Wrote: [ -> ]-> Should we call them in a similar fashion? 
  • x946a and x946b
-> Shortcuts
  • Coloured wheels, please
x946ac01 and x946bc01

-> Origin
Any unofficial part called xYYY.dat will loose the x on release, and becomes YYY.dat
Changing the origin is Ok.

Thanks for the hints,
just FYI: at the shortcut description, I swapped a and b