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I just installed the LDCAD. When I create a new model, I cannot see the panel for display the parts, and also the color pie. How can I enable or show the panel?

Many thanks
(2023-01-30, 9:00)Darwin Cheung Wrote: [ -> ]I just installed the LDCAD. When I create a new model, I cannot see the panel for display the parts, and also the color pie. How can I enable or show the panel?

Many thanks
Weird, configuration after installation should be usable...
Use view -> new xxx window to add panel. Use ctrl+drag to dock windows. When you are happy with configuration, prefs -> gui -> Lock docked windows to avoid unintended changes.
Looks like you’re in zoom view—try ctrl+space (I think?) and see if those panels appear.
(2023-01-30, 13:43)N. W. Perry Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like you’re in zoom view—try ctrl+space (I think?) and see if those panels appear.
You're right!
(2023-01-30, 14:09)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: [ -> ]You're right!

I discovered that feature quite late myself. Smile