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Full Version: Need help with primitives
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I'm working right now on a part, its image is available here: https://imgur.com/NzGgDBp

I try to use primitives as far as I can because there are many rounded parts.

So far I have been able to do the attached file but now I'm stuck because I cannot use a ndis primitive to continue further because the vertex will be in the black border. Could you please help me identifying which primitive I can use to complete that part or perhaps what change should be done to move forward?

Thanks for your help!

(2019-06-20, 8:27)Vincent Messenet Wrote: [ -> ]I try to use primitives as far as I can because there are many rounded parts.
...though I think that using primitives in the hope of getting a better look with primitive substution is a bit of overkill on a part this small...
The solution when you can't use ndis is the 1-4tang primitive (see https://www.ldraw.org/library/primref/#curv2d). Not used often because it introduces many extraneous vertices, but it solves this issue.
Otherwise your rings are BFC inverted, and you could use a single ring for the dkgrey ones with almost the same result:
1 72 0 0 0 .78125 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 .78125 48\4-4ring8.dat
1 16 0 0 0 .50223 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 .50223 48\4-4rin14.dat
Thanks for your reply Philippe Smile
I followed your advice and removed all primitives except those in the middle.