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Full Version: Part Wishlist/Most Wanted Parts
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I agree. Started a new one (because I forgot about yours...) and made sticky.

Quoting your text now Smile

3039px2 can be found here: 3039pc1.dat. I've submitted it recently.

You can update your list!
Thanks, yeah, it was really starting to get cluttered in here, and I figured having a single thread for this would make things a lot easier/simpler/easy on the eyes.

The only issue I currently see is that now this thread seems a bit "cluttered." I suppose this is up to the individual posters, but I'd like to see just a single post per-person where they update their parts needs/wants, rather than having several posts requesting a part, part gets made, and then it sits their for all eternity while newer stuff gets shoved farther and farther down. That's just my opinion though.

I do like the "Part Requests/Wishlists" title better than my title, though. Wish I'd thought of that.
Thanks, Damien. I'll probably remove it once it's been certified, but reading through the comments on the part, that should be pretty soon. It'd be great if you guys could get it certified in time for the next update (if that's even possible).
Jude Wrote:The only issue I currently see is that now this thread seems a bit "cluttered." I suppose this is up to the individual posters, but I'd like to see just a single post per-person where they update their parts needs/wants, rather than having several posts requesting a part, part gets made, and then it sits their for all eternity while newer stuff gets shoved farther and farther down. That's just my opinion though.

Me too. But the phrase 'herding cats' springs to mind Wink

If even the admins can't remember that there's already a perfectly good thread for what they're starting, they shouldn't expect everyone to follow their precise rules Wink

Especially when the thread they "forgot about" was created yesterday and was still quite high on the list. Wink
In fact it had already been certifiee, but I've resubmitted it today to correct a "tiny" problem! So it should not take a long time to be certified again.
So I noticed this part wasn't in the latest update like I expected it to be, so I decided to check out the reasons.

Just as I suspected, the part was being held up while reviewers argued over trivial semantics. Oh LDraw, I'd expect nothing less from you.
As I say in my review I think the hold is wrong there. The part meets all standards and should be certified.

Jude, let me make a clear point here: I feel offended and really annoyed by your complaint.
We have reviewed literally hundreds of parts, and spent hours and hours on that.
And we do it because we love it. You profit from that, without wanting to contribute as a parts
author or reviewer. All you do is:
- you order more parts to be created:
- you put time pressure on us:
And now:
- you complain that a certain part you want is not contained in the release.
I already can see the next step coming:
- blaming reviewers for voting hold at all.
Let me please ask you to stop that and reconsider.
It is completely normal in the reviewing process that some parts catch a hold vote,
and yes, even some of these votes may have to be corrected later.
However: they sort out what can quickly be approved, and what needs a more detailed discussion.
It leads to the effect that the parts reaching the PT Admin for review are ready-to-go in 99% of all cases,
and all in all makes life easier. Yes, there's a bunch of files with hold votes now on the PT,
but just register and fix their problems. In the meantime, lots and lots of other parts left the PT.
The 2 recent parts updates were just huge, and I ask you to help us bringing the backlog down,
instead of just sitting outside and complaining.
Just to interject before this gets out of hand:
You both have valid points. unwarranted holds exist and if you want things to happen faster, contribute to make them faster.

P.S. Steffen, I turned off automatic link generation due to a bug. If you want your URLs hyperlinked then you have to use the URL BBCode tag. I've been manually fixing this on a few posts but I've lost interest in doing this anymore.
Thanks, Chris Dee, for finally admin-reviewing 50747, 47844, and 57906!! Looking forward to the next release when I can finally replace my unofficial versions with the official ones!
Started working 44359 for 10225 (R2-D2) - yes I have more than a few in work, plus stickers & patterns I've started trying my hand at >_<.

UPDATE: uploaded 44359.