I was wondering if someone could take a look at the source code to this program:
Currently it is not working properly for me. I used it in the past, so I know it *can* work. The developer said it might have something to do with long file names. He also said he is not feeling well, so he may not work on it any more.
Does anyone here have Delphi and can update the code? It is not a large program. If it was FreePascal I might take a stab at it myself.
Bonus feature request: I would also like to be able to use this tool from the command line, since I have a directory full of models that need to be converted.
Thanks everyone!
Here's my path to LDBoxer:
E:\Programs Windows\LDraw\ldboxer\LDBoxer2010a.exe
Here's my path to %LDRAWDIR%:
Here's the path to my model:
I am able to load the model in LDBoxer, but am unable to process the file. LDBoxer does nothing when I press the AutoCheck button.
Looking at the program source code, can you see what might be causing this?
Okay, the problem was that the "ldraw.ini" file was not set correctly. Once I set it correctly the program worked.
Is this file obsolete? What is the replacement method of finding the LDraw directory?
I did acting version of the command line. However, before it delivers. I wanted to ask for access to the file before | after modification via LDraw Boxer, to make sure that my version works just as well as the original.
(2017-03-16, 20:54)Jarema Wrote: [ -> ]I did acting version of the command line. However, before it delivers. I wanted to ask for access to the file before | after modification via LDraw Boxer, to make sure that my version works just as well as the original.
I don't understand what you are saying. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for you too. So give me this file(s) that you use with tool before covered it. And I check by my self how my version work. OK.
Roger that. I Take this in my free-time.
(2018-01-10, 7:41)Jarema Wrote: [ -> ]Roger that. I Take this in my free-time.
Thank you.
(2018-01-10, 7:41)Jarema Wrote: [ -> ]Roger that. I Take this in my free-time.
I have started fixing it myself, but the script now boxes every single part, so I must have made a mistake somewhere. Can you find the error?
Created on 16 mar 2017
Updated on 10 jan 2018
@author: Jeremy Czajkowski
@author: Tore Eriksson <[email protected]>
@author: Michael Horvath
@license: GNU General Public License version 3
@version: 2017c
@note: A utility to help you replace LDraw parts with no visible studs or tubes with boxes.
Saves rendering time and CPU power.
import os
import sys
from macpath import dirname
__appname__ = "LDBoxer"
__version__ = "2017c"
NOTFOUND_MSG = "FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '%s'"
INVALIDACCESS_MSG = "ImportError: Invalid access to %s."
def isBox(fil): # mjh
if fil[0:2].upper() == "B\\":
return True
return False
def ldLineType(ldline):
result = -1;
s = ldline.strip()
if len(s)>0 :
if s[0]=='0' : result = 0 # mjh
if s[0]=='1' : result = 1 # mjh
if s[0]=='2' : result = 2 # mjh
if s[0]=='3' : result = 3 # mjh
if s[0]=='4' : result = 4 # mjh
if s[0]=='5' : result = 5 # mjh
return result
def ldLineUpdate(ldline, ItemNr, NewVal):
color1 = ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 2)
x1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 3))
y1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 4))
z1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 5))
a1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 6))
b1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 7))
c1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 8))
d1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 9))
e1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 10))
f1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 11))
g1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 12))
h1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 13))
i1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 14))
fil = ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 15)
if ItemNr == 2:
color1 = NewVal
if ItemNr == 3:
x1 = float(NewVal)
if ItemNr == 4:
y1 = float(NewVal)
if ItemNr == 5:
z1 = float(NewVal)
if ItemNr == 6:
a1 = float(NewVal)
if ItemNr == 7:
b1 = float(NewVal)
if ItemNr == 8:
c1 = float(NewVal)
if ItemNr == 9:
d1 = float(NewVal)
if ItemNr == 10:
e1 = float(NewVal)
if ItemNr == 11:
f1 = float(NewVal)
if ItemNr == 12:
g1 = float(NewVal)
if ItemNr == 13:
h1 = float(NewVal)
if ItemNr == 14:
i1 = float(NewVal)
if ItemNr == 15:
fil = NewVal
s = '1 ' + color1 + ' '
s = s + FloatToLDraw(x1)+ ' '
s = s + FloatToLDraw(y1)+ ' '
s = s + FloatToLDraw(z1)+ ' '
s = s + FloatToLDraw(a1)+ ' '
s = s + FloatToLDraw(b1)+ ' '
s = s + FloatToLDraw(c1)+ ' '
s = s + FloatToLDraw(d1)+ ' '
s = s + FloatToLDraw(e1)+ ' '
s = s + FloatToLDraw(f1)+ ' '
s = s + FloatToLDraw(g1)+ ' '
s = s + FloatToLDraw(h1)+ ' '
s = s + FloatToLDraw(i1)+ ' '
s = s + fil
return s
def ldExtractFromLine (ldline, post):
post -= 1 # mjh
t = []
s = ldline.strip()
iT = 0; # mjh
while s <> '':
s = s.strip() + ' '
i = 0 # mjh
while s[i] <> ' ': i += 1
# t[iT] = Copy(s, 1, i-1)
# function Copy(const S: string; From: integer = 1; Count: integer = MaxInt): string;
t.insert(iT, s[0:i]) # mjh
iT += 1
s = s[i+1:] # mjh
result = ''
if post < iT: result = t[post]
return result
def FloatToLDraw(inval):
if (inval > -0.0001) and (inval < 0.0001): inval = 0
return '%.5f' % (round(inval*10000)/10000)
def cmdReplace():
replacedCount = 0
for i in range(CHKLST_INFILE.__len__()):
ldline = CHKLST_INFILE[i]
if ldLineType(ldline) == 1 :
fil = ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 15)
if isBox(fil) == False : fil = strPrefix + fil
fname = os.path.join(LDRAWPATH ,'Parts' ,fil)
if os.path.exists(fname):
ldline = ldLineUpdate(ldline, 15, fil)
CHKLST_INFILE[i] = ldline + "\r\n"
replacedCount += 1;
if replacedCount>0 :
CHKLST_INFILE.append("0 // Boxed {0} parts ({1})\r\n".format(replacedCount ,strPrefix))
if __name__ == '__main__':
if sys.argv.__len__() != 3:
print "Invalid arguments"
LDRAWPATH = sys.argv[1] # mjh, don't change
MODELPATH = sys.argv[2] # mjh, don't change
if not os.path.isdir(LDRAWPATH):
if not os.path.isfile(MODELPATH):
with open(MODELPATH ,"r") as f:
for line in f:
print __appname__ ,__version__ ,"processing" ,MODELPATH
i = ii = iii = frg = 0
x1 = y1 = z1 = a1 = c1 = g1 = i1 = x2 = y2 = z2 = x3 = y3 = z3 = 0.0
s = ldline = fil = ""
SkipThis = False
StrLstCover = []
StrListInfil = []
cmdFittingsClick STEP 1: Compile a list of locations (20x20LDU)
Tops and Bottoms that are hiding (=covering) details from next part
Save the list in StrListCover
for i in range(CHKLST_INFILE.__len__()):
ldline = CHKLST_INFILE[i]
if ldLineType(ldline) <> 1: continue
frg = int(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 2));
if (frg>31) and (frg<48): continue
if ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 7) <> '0' : continue
if ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 9) <> '0' : continue
if ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 10) <> '1' : continue
if ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 11) <> '0' : continue
if ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 13) <> '0' : continue
fil = ldExtractFromLine(ldline ,15);
if len(fil)<5: continue # just to be foolproof...
2010-03-20 also check if already boxed parts cover positions
by removing B\, B\t, or B\B from examined file reference
if fil[0:3].upper() == "B\\T": # mjh
fil = fil[3:] # mjh
if fil[0:3].upper() == "B\\B": # mjh
fil = fil[3:] # mjh
if fil[0:2].upper() == "B\\": # mjh
fil = fil[2:] # mjh
if len(fil)<5 : continue
fil = fil[0:(len(fil)-4)] # mjh
fil = os.path.join(LDRAWPATH ,'Parts' ,'B' ,fil + '.nfo')
print "Searching for" ,fil
if not os.path.exists(fil) : continue
x1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline ,3))
y1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline ,4))
z1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline ,5))
a1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline ,6))
c1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline ,8))
g1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline ,12))
i1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline ,14))
with open(fil ,"r") as f:
for line in f:
StrListInfil = []
for ii in range(StrListInfil.__len__()):
ldline = StrListInfil[ii]
s = ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 1)
x2 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 2))
y2 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 3))
z2 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 4))
if s=='Top' or s=='Stud' : s = 'T '
if s=='Bottom' : s = 'B '
x3 = x1 + x2*a1 + z2*c1
y3 = y1 + y2
z3 = z1 + x2*g1 + z2*i1
s = s + FloatToLDraw(x3) + ' '
s = s + FloatToLDraw(y3) + ' '
s = s + FloatToLDraw(z3)
END of cmdFittingsClick STEP 1
The model file in chklstInfile has been scanned for locations
meeting all the given criterias
For example:
This following line meets the criteria:
1 15 240 -48 160 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3005.dat
The two lines from the file Parts\B\3005.nfo is used:
Stud 0 0 0
Bottom 0 24 0
The output stored in StrListCover is the following two lines:
T 240 -48 160
B 240 -24 160
cmdFittingsClick STEP 2: Replace all parts that can be fully boxed
Checkbox all parts that has all stud and bottom locations covered
according to StrListCover
for i in range(CHKLST_INFILE.__len__()):
ldline = CHKLST_INFILE[i]
if ldLineType(ldline) <> 1 : continue;
frg = int(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 2))
if (frg>31) and (frg<48) : continue
if ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 7) <> '0' : continue
if ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 9) <> '0' : continue
if ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 10) <> '1' : continue
if ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 11) <> '0' : continue
if ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 13) <> '0' : continue
fil = ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 15)
if len(fil)<5 : continue
fil = fil[0:(len(fil)-4)] # mjh
fil = os.path.join(LDRAWPATH ,'Parts' ,'B' ,fil + '.dat')
if not os.path.exists(fil): continue
fil = fil[0:(len(fil)-4)]
fil = fil + '.nfo';
if not os.path.exists(fil): continue
x1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 3))
y1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 4))
z1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 5))
a1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 6))
c1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 8))
g1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 12))
i1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 14))
with open(fil ,"r") as f:
for line in f:
StrListInfil = []
SkipThis = False
for ii in range(StrListInfil.__len__()):
ldline = StrListInfil[ii]
s = ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 1)
x2 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 2))
y2 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 3))
z2 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 4))
if s =='Top' : continue
if s =='Stud' : s = 'B ' # Scan for matching B
if s =='Bottom' : s = 'T ' # Scan for matching T
x3 = x1 + x2*a1 + z2*c1
y3 = y1 + y2
z3 = z1 + x2*g1 + z2*i1
s = s + FloatToLDraw(x3) + ' '
s = s + FloatToLDraw(y3) + ' '
s = s + FloatToLDraw(z3)
SkipThis == True
for iii in range(StrLstCover.__len__()):
if s==StrLstCover[iii] : SkipThis = False
if SkipThis : break
if SkipThis : continue
strPrefix = "B\\"
END of cmdFittingsClick STEP 2
cmdFittingsClick STEP 3: Replace all parts that studs can be removed from
(STEPs 3 & 4 should be easily baked into STEP 2...)
for i in range(CHKLST_INFILE.__len__()):
ldline = CHKLST_INFILE[i]
if ldLineType(ldline) <> 1: continue;
frg = int(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 2));
if (frg>31) and (frg<48) : continue;
if ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 7) <> '0' : continue
if ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 9) <> '0' : continue
if ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 10) <> '1' : continue
if ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 11) <> '0' : continue
if ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 13) <> '0' : continue
fil = ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 15);
if len(fil)<5 : continue
fil = fil[0:(len(fil)-4)] # mjh
fil = os.path.join(LDRAWPATH ,'Parts' ,'B' ,fil + '.dat')
if not os.path.exists(fil) : continue
fil = fil[0:(len(fil)-4)] # mjh
fil = fil + '.nfo'
if not os.path.exists(fil) : continue
x1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 3))
y1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 4))
z1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 5))
a1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 6))
c1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 8))
g1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 12))
i1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 14))
with open(fil ,"r") as f:
for line in f:
StrListInfil = []
SkipThis = False
for ii in range (StrListInfil.__len__()) :
ldline = StrListInfil[ii]
s = ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 1)
x2 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 2))
y2 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 3))
z2 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 4))
if s =='Top' : continue
#if s == 'Stud': continue
if s =='Stud' : s = 'B ' # Scan for matching B
if s =='Bottom' : continue
#if s == 'Bottom': s = 'T ' # Scan for matching T
x3 = x1 + x2*a1 + z2*c1
y3 = y1 + y2
z3 = z1 + x2*g1 + z2*i1
s = s + FloatToLDraw(x3) + ' '
s = s + FloatToLDraw(y3) + ' '
s = s + FloatToLDraw(z3)
SkipThis = True;
for iii in range (StrLstCover.__len__()) :
if s==StrLstCover[iii] : SkipThis = False
if SkipThis : break
if SkipThis : continue
strPrefix = 'B\\T'
END of cmdFittingsClick STEP 3
cmdFittingsClick STEP 4: Replace all parts that bottom details
can be removed from
(STEPs 3 & 4 should be easily baked into STEP 2...)
for i in range (CHKLST_INFILE.__len__()) :
ldline = CHKLST_INFILE[i];
if ldLineType(ldline) <> 1 : continue;
frg = int(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 2));
if (frg>31) and (frg<48) : continue;
if ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 7) <> '0' : continue;
if ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 9) <> '0' : continue;
if ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 10) <> '1' : continue;
if ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 11) <> '0' : continue;
if ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 13) <> '0' : continue;
fil = ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 15);
if len(fil)<5 : continue
fil = fil[0:(len(fil)-4)] # mjh
fil = os.path.join(LDRAWPATH ,'Parts' ,'B' ,fil + '.dat')
if not os.path.exists(fil) : continue
fil = fil[0:(len(fil)-4)] # mjh
fil = fil + '.nfo'
if not os.path.exists(fil) : continue
x1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 3))
y1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 4))
z1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 5))
a1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 6))
c1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 8))
g1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 12))
i1 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 14))
with open(fil ,"r") as f:
for line in f:
StrListInfil = []
SkipThis = False
for ii in range (StrListInfil.__len__()) :
ldline = StrListInfil[ii];
s = ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 1)
x2 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 2))
y2 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 3))
z2 = float(ldExtractFromLine(ldline, 4))
if s=='Top' : continue
if s=='Stud' : continue
if s=='Stud' : s = 'B ' # Scan for matching B
#if s=='Bottom' : continue
if s=='Bottom' : s = 'T ' # Scan for matching T
x3 = x1 + x2*a1 + z2*c1
y3 = y1 + y2
z3 = z1 + x2*g1 + z2*i1
s = s + FloatToLDraw(x3) + ' '
s = s + FloatToLDraw(y3) + ' '
s = s + FloatToLDraw(z3)
SkipThis = True
for iii in range (StrLstCover.__len__()) :
if s==StrLstCover[iii] : SkipThis = False
if SkipThis : break
if SkipThis : continue
strPrefix = 'B\\B'
END of cmdFittingsClick STEP 4
print "Boxed %d parts" % REPLACEDTOTAL_COUNT
# 0 !LDOXER LEVEL info should also be automatically updated!
CHKLST_INFILE.append("0 // Boxed Total {0} parts by {1} v{2}\r\n".format(REPLACEDTOTAL_COUNT ,__appname__ ,__version__))
dirname = os.path.dirname(MODELPATH)
basename = "boxed_" + os.path.basename(MODELPATH)
with open(os.path.join(dirname,basename) ,"wb") as f:
for line in CHKLST_INFILE:
except Exception, ex:
print ex.message
print "Saved {0} in {1}".format(basename ,dirname)
I updated the code with a few fixes.
Sorry for late response
. I do not have much time for this
. I don't know what is wrong with Python code
, so i roll up to Pascal code
You can download from here
I do not have idea why
Tore Eriksson search files in %LDRAWPATH%\PARTS\B except S directory, but i stay as is
. It is possible that some things were bad from the beginning
After close application, you can look on activity log in file
(2018-01-14, 9:05)Jarema Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry for late response. I do not have much time for this. I don't know what is wrong with Python code, so i roll up to Pascal code.
You can download from here http://jaremaczajkowski.pl/pub/forum/LDB...Source.zip.
I do not have idea why Tore Eriksson search files in %LDRAWPATH%\PARTS\B except S directory, but i stay as is. It is possible that some things were bad from the beginning.
After close application, you can look on activity log in file ldboxer_stdout.txt
Which compiler is needed to build and run this version? Delphi is not free IIRC.
(2018-01-14, 11:44)Michael Horvath Wrote: [ -> ]Which compiler is needed to build and run this version? Delphi is not free IIRC.
You can always start use FREE Trial version. Like i temporary do. By the way, write how the program works. Personally, i prefers other programming languages.
EDIT: You can download and use Lazarus from
https://www.lazarus-ide.org/ as alternative too.
(2018-01-14, 11:44)Michael Horvath Wrote: [ -> ]Which compiler is needed to build and run this version? Delphi is not free IIRC.
I think I used Delphi v7.0, and it was free since they want us to get hooked in an old free version and then upgrade to one that's not free. There were many problems with LDBoxer if my memory serves me right. The biggest was it didn't have support for long file names or whitespaces in paths or file names. The constant changes of the LDraw spec's made me give up the whole project.
And: LDBoxer - at least in my versions - does not support MPD or any SNOT application at all. I simply don't have that programming skills.
(2018-01-15, 22:15)Tore Eriksson Wrote: [ -> ] (2018-01-14, 11:44)Michael Horvath Wrote: [ -> ]Which compiler is needed to build and run this version? Delphi is not free IIRC.
I think I used Delphi v7.0, and it was free since they want us to get hooked in an old free version and then upgrade to one that's not free. There were many problems with LDBoxer if my memory serves me right. The biggest was it didn't have support for long file names or whitespaces in paths or file names. The constant changes of the LDraw spec's made me give up the whole project.
And: LDBoxer - at least in my versions - does not support MPD or any SNOT application at all. I simply don't have that programming skills.
It's sad that it doesn't handle MPD files properly. It's still better than nothing, though.
Do you think you could build a version that works on the command-line?
Or, could you take a look at @Jarema's and my direct translation into Python? I can get the script to run (Python scripts don't need to be compiled first, as long as you have Python installed), but there's something broken in it.
(2018-01-16, 0:28)Michael Horvath Wrote: [ -> ] (2018-01-15, 22:15)Tore Eriksson Wrote: [ -> ]I think I used Delphi v7.0, and it was free since they want us to get hooked in an old free version and then upgrade to one that's not free. There were many problems with LDBoxer if my memory serves me right. The biggest was it didn't have support for long file names or whitespaces in paths or file names. The constant changes of the LDraw spec's made me give up the whole project.
And: LDBoxer - at least in my versions - does not support MPD or any SNOT application at all. I simply don't have that programming skills.
It's sad that it doesn't handle MPD files properly. It's still better than nothing, though.
Do you think you could build a version that works on the command-line?
Or, could you take a look at @Jarema's and my direct translation into Python? I can get the script to run (Python scripts don't need to be compiled first, as long as you have Python installed), but there's something broken in it.
Maybe I could learn to parse MPD's. But even so, that would create new, potentially impossible problems. What if the same sub-file is used multiple times in an MPD, and the same used part should be boxed in some occations but not all of them?
Normally, I make command line programs in C and GUI programs in Delphi. That would mean I have to translate the entire program to C.
I don't speak Python, and I no longer have the capacity to teach myself a new programming environment.
(2018-01-16, 19:22)Tore Eriksson Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe I could learn to parse MPD's. But even so, that would create new, potentially impossible problems. What if the same sub-file is used multiple times in an MPD, and the same used part should be boxed in some occations but not all of them?
I wouldn't worry about MPD support, then. The proper thing to do (which I've been doing) in this case is to inline all the submodels using MPDCenter.
(2018-01-16, 19:22)Tore Eriksson Wrote: [ -> ]Normally, I make command line programs in C and GUI programs in Delphi. That would mean I have to translate the entire program to C.
I don't speak Python, and I no longer have the capacity to teach myself a new programming environment.
Could you at least move the onscreen buttons and checkbox to the left side of the screen? Modern Windows have display DPI settings that can be changed, causing the buttons in LDBoxer to disappear.
You can try for yourself.
(2018-01-25, 2:22)Michael Horvath Wrote: [ -> ]I think I managed to get the Python script working. See here:
I created a better optimized version that is also available at the above link. Normally it is very slow due to being a Python script. However, using PyPy instead of CPython results in a huge improvement in performance!
Not sure how much faster a Pascal, C#, etc. version of this script would be. I may try again in the future.
(2018-01-26, 9:52)Michael Horvath Wrote: [ -> ] (2018-01-25, 2:22)Michael Horvath Wrote: [ -> ]I think I managed to get the Python script working. See here:
I created a better optimized version that is also available at the above link. Normally it is very slow due to being a Python script. However, using PyPy instead of CPython results in a huge improvement in performance!
Not sure how much faster a Pascal, C#, etc. version of this script would be. I may try again in the future.
I updated the script so that trailing zeros are deleted from numbers. This should reduce output model size considerably.
I was thinking that it wouldn't be too hard to process some SNOT parts as well. Basically, just apply the transformation matrix of Part A to Parts B to Z and then check for coincidence as per normal. Not sure how to code it though.
(2018-01-10, 23:37)Michael Horvath Wrote: [ -> ]Code:
Created on 16 mar 2017
Updated on 10 jan 2018
@author: Jeremy Czajkowski
@author: Tore Eriksson <[email protected]>
@author: Michael Horvath
My mail address need to be updated! The swipnet address has been dead for years.
@author: Tore Eriksson <
[email protected]>
(2018-02-24, 11:07)Tore Eriksson Wrote: [ -> ] (2018-01-10, 23:37)Michael Horvath Wrote: [ -> ]Code:
Created on 16 mar 2017
Updated on 10 jan 2018
@author: Jeremy Czajkowski
@author: Tore Eriksson <[email protected]>
@author: Michael Horvath
My mail address need to be updated! The swipnet address has been dead for years.
@author: Tore Eriksson <[email protected]>
Fixed. Thanks.