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Full Version: Star Wars Executor MOC - 71.000 bricks
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Take a look at my latest renderings. This insane MOC is a LDD-import to MECABRICKS. Because of the instance support of the exporter (COLLADA) the model can be handled very good in MODO. I also have the LDR-file of it but an import to BLENDER would definitely fail.

It would be great of someone is able to write a LDRAW>COLLADA exporter supporting instances and the choice to add LEGO logos onto studs.

Click and Zoom :-)
Very nice model/rendering.

Any chance on sharing the ldr?
Unfortunately not because the material is owned by the creator as long as you don't receive it from him.

But you can buy it here on Ebay.

I contacted the creator Thomas Benedikt by Eurobricks and I guess $20 is really worth for the data to support his project. To build this in real would cost around $25.000 - 30.000. When you buy the data you will receive 4 LDD files (right - left - top - bottom and two more LDD files with a battle scene and the LDR complete model). Just check the prictures on Ebay.