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Full Version: Ev3 Education Core and Expansion set parts
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I was wondering if it's possible to download just the Lego parts contained withing this core set.
45544-1 LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3 Core Set

Would it be possible to download just the expansion set?
45560 LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3 Expansion

I'm aware I can do this one part at a time, but that seems like it would take a while.

LDraw has an arborescent structure (shortcuts depends on parts made of subparts using primitives, etc) so it is not something easy to do. But what is the point of doing this anyway?
If the purpose is to build models using only parts from one set, LDCad has a great feature to do that, and there is a modified version of Brickutils to help. See http://forums.ldraw.org/showthread.php?t...9#pid15309
LDD Manager has a feature that will generate a LXF file from a BrickLink inventory list. You can open the generated LXF file in LDD, immediately select "File > Export model" and then chose "LDraw-Files" as the file type in the "Save as" dialog.