Hi all,
Does anyone has the exact spring specifications for the common shocks and pneumatic pump parts?
I want to supply default templates for them in the up comming LDCad version.
I'm looking for the wire thickness and winding counts (per spacing group). It doesn't matter if they are in rest or compressed state.
I need this for the following parts:
6.5L technic sock (both versions)
9.5L technic (bike) shock
10L technic damped shock
technic pneumatic pump 2 x 2 x 5 with large knob
technic pneumatic pump 2 x 2 x 5 with 1 port
Any help is appreciated.
Does no one has any information on this?
I want to release the first LDCad 1.3 beta later this week and it would be nice if the default spring specs are correct.
I somehow missed that post,
- 6.5L Technic Shock (soft) [Set 8857]:
- wire thickness: 0.5 mm
- revolutions:
- top: 3
- main: 5.5
- bottom: 2
- 6.5L Technic Shock (hard): [Set 8297]
- wire thickness: 0.6 mm
- revolutions:
- top: 3
- main(top-middle): 2
- middle: 5
- main(middle-bottom): 2
- bottom: 3
- 9.5L Technic Shock (soft) [Set 8838]:
- wire thickness: 0.75 mm
- revolutions:
- top: 2
- main: 12
- bottom: 2
- 9.5L Technic Shock (soft) [Set 8880]:
- wire thickness: 0.75 mm
- revolutions:
- top: 2
- main: 12
- bottom: 2
- 9.5L Technic Shock (hard) [Set 8466]:
- wire thickness: 0.75 mm
- revolutions:
- top: 8
- main: 6
- bottom: 16
- 9.5L Technic Shock (extra hard) [Set 8110]:
- wire thickness: 0.8 mm
- revolutions:
- top: 2
- main: 5
- bottom: 2
- 10L Technic Damped Shock [Set 8448]:
- wire thickness: 0.75 mm
- revolutions:
- top: 1.5
- main: 10
- bottom: 1.5
- Pneumatic Pump with Large Knob [Set 8460]:
- wire thickness: 0.5 mm
- revolutions:
- top: 2
- main: 8.5
- bottom: 2.5
- Pneumatic Pump with 1 port [Set 8851]:
- wire thickness: 0.5 mm
- revolutions:
- top: 1
- main: 29
- bottom: 1
Top means the side where the piston ends, bottom means the area, where the spring touches the body of the part.
Additionally I wrote the Setnumber, where I took the springs and pumps from.
Thank you very much.
I've applied your numbers, does it look ok.
Are you sure about the
29 in the pneumatic pump though, it looks very crowded too me.
Did not know about the 9.5 variants at all.
Thanks again
Tomorrow I'll check the red one again and compare it with the pump of Set 8040...
Your picture is almost perfect. Just the 9.5 Shocks are wrong coloured ;-)
The extra hard one is black/yellow (piston/body), the hard one was available in yellow or red (both parts).
I compared the pumps of both historical models.
Interessing result:
8851 uses a different pump than 8040.
Here is a picture:
You can see, that one pump is a bit longer (that's the one I mesured yesterday). Counting is correct for this one.
The other one:
[*] Pneumatic Pump with 1 port (short) ( [Set 8040]:
- wire thickness: 0.5 mm ?? I forgot to measure this, while I was home. I'll check this tomorrow, but I think 0.5mm could be right checking out the picture.
- revolutions:
- top: 1
- main: 13.5
- bottom: 1
I'm a bit worried that this 'longer' pump is nowhere mentioned. But at least Eric Albrecht's 8851 has it too:
Link to Technopedia.
And the short pump:
at Technopedia
Both versions exist in yellow too:
I think, there was a change in the design and both pumps were sold in the different older sets.
The shorter one, is the one I was thinking about indeed.
The other one looks even longer in the back view picture on Eric's site. I don't think we have the correct piston in the library for that one. But if you place the current one at it's maximum position it looks kinda ok, maybe that's why it has no inner workings at the end.
I called them 4701a and 4701b for the time being.
As for the colors, I leave that to the user. All templates use color 16, They are used to give users a starting situation they can mold into their liking after placement (as a submodel).
Thanks again for all the info