I've just recently written 4 different translators for both LDRAW (.dat) and LDD (.g) files that can write to SolidWorks, Inventor, DXF and LDRAW. This was the result of some issues with the previous DAT2DXF translator I was running into with some bad .dat files and other requests that I have seen on these forums with regards to wanting SolidWorks and Inventor translation. I've attached a video showing how these small applications work.
Below are the links to setup files for each application. Unfortunately, I do not yet know how to create a trusted certificate for my ClickOnce Installer, so you may get a warning when downloading. The link will install the application to your Start Menu in SolidPerformance -> BrickWorks -> Application Name.
There are some requirements as of now, though because I am using ClickOnce, I could possibly rollout an update to support older version of the limitation listed below.
Does not support Windows XP and older.
Requires Microsoft .NET 4.5 (this causes the above limitation and is something I can most likely roll back to .NET 3.5 or 4)
The SolidWorks translator currently only supports SolidWorks 2014 and newer (though I could roll this back to around SolidWorks 2010 possibly, I should have the older SolidWorks.Interop files somewhere, which are forward, but not backwards compatible).
The Inventor translator currently only supports Autodesk Inventor 2014 also, for the same reasons. It will be much harder for me to get the older interop files for this.
For both the SolidWorks and Inventor translators, you can try to run them with older versions, but I have not checked all the api calls to see which versions of their respective software they were implemented. So if I used an API call that was implemented in say, 2013, it would require that as a minimum version.
Finally, here are the links
SolidWorks Brick Builder
Inventor Brick Builder
DXF Brick Builder
LDRAW Brick Builder
Thanks for sharing your good work with us.
I do not have any of that expensive tools, but I know how much work is has been to do such a conversion.
By the way, I see that code in - I like that

Can you give us a link to your tool?
I would like to test it with Autodesk Inventor...
I need to get them up to a hosting service, working on that yet.
No problem ;-) Take the time, you need...
Here's my first stab at creating the LDRAW files from LDD. As you can see, the geometry comes across fine, it's the edges. I could possibly just create all the edges, then anyone could go into the create .dat file and remove the unnecessary edges. As I don't think these files would be used as is, more of a starting point, or skeleton to create a correct file.
This was pretty easy. It's using the Ignore Edges checkbox to determine if it should add the edges or not. It creates edges on every face, but it's easier to remove them, then to create all the ones needed I would assume.
We have also a tool for creating edges and conditional lines
Maybe this is easier to use than deleting wrong lines.
Major problem is that the LDD team uses 12 faces for a round where we use 16 faces at normal and 48 or 8 for higher or lower resolution. Also the already introduced subparts in LDraw needs to be used where possible.
If you would have a solution for those kind of problems that would be a great advantage.
Let me know if you want somebody to test with SolidWorks 2011! =D
I have updated the original post with links and requirements. Please feel free to comment and let me know of any issues.
Now it's time to grab the new Inventor and Autocad version from Autodesk :-)
Future plans are for SolidWorks anyway to sniff out studs, and create them as cylinders, and possibly apply textures as decals to the SolidWorks models.
I just noticed that the status bar isn't displaying a few messages when certain things aren't available, such as the host application in the case of SolidWorks and Inventor, and when the LDRAW installation directory and the Output Directories are not available. I'll pubish an update later today with the changes. Currently, I have the application only set to check for an update once every 14 days to minimize my cost on Amazon where I'm hosting the files.
This is absolutely fantastic. It would be helpful if you could set up a page and maybe a short tutorial at the LDraw wiki.
Does the video in the original post provided lack something specific you're looking for information on?
Yes, some more information on the supported version would be helpful:
>For both the SolidWorks and Inventor translators, you can try to run them with older versions.
It would also be helpful if you could code in some backwards compatibility. I only have access to a very old version of Soldiworks, 2007 to be precise and SolidWorks Brick Builder failed to find Solidworks in the first place.
Since we are there would it be possible to convert, without Solidworks or Inventor installed. Say, just write a .dxf or .SLDPRT to the disk?
Last thing. All setup files are named Setup.exe a rename to Setup_SolidWorks_Brick_Builder.exe or Setup_Inventor_Brick_Builder.exe would help.
Thanks, w.
Thanks for posting details on the converter tool.
I downloaded the tool hoping to convert some of my Ldraw models to SolidWorks files. However after experimenting and reading further it appears you need a copy of SolidWorks installed for the converter to work.
I don't have a copy of Solidworks but I would still like to convert my files to the SolidWorks format. I currently sell a number of models on TurboSquid and I would like to provide SolidWorks files as a download option - see example below:
Is there a demo version I can install that will allow me to use this converter, or can anyone recommend another tool.
Bye for now
Don't you think it could be wrong if you ask people to help you sell the work they did (for free)? What you may see as "derivative work", is just taking the ldraw parts (not done by you), convert it with software (coded by other people), and then sell it for your own profit. You do a 1:1 conversion, not even replacing pattern polygons by textures. This is really cheeky!
After checking what you offer and at which price, i'm really frustrated. Although you sell nothing done by me, i don't spend my free time to produce parts for other people to sell, regardless of whether "converted" or not. Now i really consider not to submit any part or pattern to the community anymore, if that is how it is used... Great! You should make your converted files available for free, like most of the LDraw related stuff.
I was pretty upset to read this myself. I mean, do you have any idea how much work and research went into these projects? Let alone all the work others do in creating the source content, the bricks.
This was not the intention of me putting all the effort forth to create these tools. I'm pulling them down as I feel they're being abused. I guess it was just a lot of work for one person.
As the author of many of the files you are using, I must say that I don't like this.
I didn't mind when you made files for
free download,
but trying to make profit from them is not OK, in my eyes.
And I really don't like the link on that page.
I know the license probably doesn't forbid you from doing what you are doing now... but I'll say what I have to say anyway: you are a jerk for pulling this off. At least it is easy enough to reproduce what you sell by some simple LDraw modeling without needing to pay you a cent.
BrickWorks Wrote:This was not the intention of me putting all the effort forth to create these tools. I'm pulling them down as I feel they're being abused. I guess it was just a lot of work for one person.
After calming down and thinking about what really happened, i came to the point that the LDraw community should not be punished for one guys mistake. Creating parts is hard work, creating software is also. As a part author, i depend on several tools that help me through the design process. Maybe you could reactivate the LDraw BrickBuilder tool? It really has been a great help when converting parts from LDD to LDraw.
Obviously, this started some time ago. There were
several requests for parts mentioning to sell them, but nobody noticed.
I must say I don't mind... if someone is willing to pay for something that is freely available, and can be converted with freely available tools, and if someone is willing to bother to sell these things... why not? At least Reuben never tried to hide the fact he was selling the derivative products.
Now I'll be glad if Reuben puts a little bit of the little money he collects into a
donation to

I'm confused. Is the Batman vehicle an official TLG model? Did one of us here at create the model? Did Reuban design the model himself?
The discussion is about parts used in the model, not the model itself...
I get your point, and you are probably right. But i don't like the idea of selling LDraw core stuff, this was not the original idea. Even if he is not selling the parts but only "the time for conversion", there is something wrong about this.
LDraw is available for free, has ever been and hopefully will ever be so. Next, LDraw's own webshop is selling the parts updates... horrible vision.
Another vote for the software being compatible with older revs of SolidWorks. I & many of my peers are still using 2011. That seems to have been a pretty popular release. I am, of course, somewhat biased...and I work in aerospace, so our projects last years, & we try to avoid revving in the middle of a project. :]
My $0.02.
You are right Philo.
And I have to say, yes he can do it, as he sell his work (model) which he generated by LDraw System of Tools.
This is something we have explicit allowed with the license we use.
So for me this is ok. And there are many people in the world that have more money than time to make the model by themself

I'm a bit surprised by all the part authors expressing shock and anger that someone could or would do this. The CCAL 2.0 that LDraw uses very clearly allows commercial use. Everyone who submits parts must agree to the Contributor Agreement, which clearly states that the files will fall under CCAL 2.0.
Note: I'm assuming that the CAReadme.txt that he includes with the model download is the same as the one in the parts library; I'm not going to purchase one of his models to verify this, but his notes before purchase do state that the file uses LDraw parts which are CCAL 2.0 licensed, and that CAReadme.txt is included with the download.
Does anyone know if this is still a valid project? I clicked on the Solidworks link and it seems to be dead? If it is, does anyone happen to have the Solidworks translator they could send me? I am very interested in this as I have started to draw parts myself for lack of a better option...
Hello everyone,
the link does not work, has died.
kindly, anyone can send me a copy of it?
My email is
[email protected]
Thanks for collaboration
Hello Brickworks,
I am very interested in your translator for Solidworks.
For me, it is easier to work with Solidworks that with LDRAW and LDD.
Please, you could send me the files?
Thank you.
Hello everyone,
since no one helps me, I give up.
Thanks anyway.
Hello Everyone!
I am finding this solution to open Dat file in Solidwork and find this thread.
Is it available now?
Thank you!
Konwertowałem: ldraw>turbocad>autocad>inventor. Na koniec robię komplety i zdjęcia jak na zał.