LDraw File Processing and Conversion
- LICreator Pre-Ultimate version (6 Replies)
- Subfile References and Scaling (3 Replies)
- Alternatives to POV-Ray? (1 Reply)
- LICreator - functionailty for build bigger model (5 Replies)
- Creating contours of part from .ldr file (1 Reply)
- LICreator 0.9.002 (4 Replies)
- Lic - a tool for creating LEGO building instructions (32 Replies)
- ldr file format for models (4 Replies)
- LICreator - Color parsing problem (3 Replies)
- POV Ray Problem (4 Replies)
- Crowdfunding For LEGO Instrunction Creator (4 Replies)
- Another experiment in instruction building (3 Replies)
- LPub - Final Step without Parts (2 Replies)
- Idea for a program to generate instructions (15 Replies)
- LDview .ldr parts missing / weird placement, LDD flexible grease band (7 Replies)
- LPub model & parts wont fit on page (8 Replies)
- Lsynth flexible elements not displayed in Lpub... (25 Replies)
- Part Length in LPub (2 Replies)
- LPUB - how to change assembly scale in a submodel (2 Replies)
- LPub - How to add divider after step? (2 Replies)