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happy 2014! - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: happy 2014! (/thread-11473.html)

happy 2014! - Santeri Piippo - 2013-12-31

I wish you guys a happy and playful new year 2014! May LDraw keep going strong.

Re: happy 2014! - Michael Horvath - 2013-12-31

Is it 2014 already? My clock says it's still another few hours.

Re: happy 2014! - Magnus Forsberg - 2013-12-31

A Happy New Year to you all !!

Warm greetings from a dark and snowfree Stockholm area


Re: happy 2014! - Max Martin Richter - 2014-01-01

Hej everybody from the ldraw community,
I wish you all the best for 2014 (and many real LEGO bricks, too)
btw: in northern and mid Germany is it snowfree, as well. ;-)

Re: happy 2014! - Michael Heidemann - 2014-01-01

Happy New Year to all of us :-)

Re: happy 2014! - Jude Parrill - 2014-01-01

Happy New Year, from the Twin Cities of Minnesota, USA (even though we have about an hour to go here).

May your 2014 be filled with matching vertices and coplanar quads!!

Re: happy 2014! - Santeri Piippo - 2014-01-01

It was 2014 for me when I posted that. :-P

And yeah it's very much snowfree here in west coast Finland as well.

Re: happy 2014! - Philippe Hurbain - 2014-01-01

Happy New Year from France Wink

Re: happy 2014! - Michael Heidemann - 2014-01-01

May LDraw keep going strong.

I wish that we can create this year an application that is able to accept a picture from a pattern and make a vectorized ldraw file of that.
Such a tool would speed up creating pattern and sticker very much I think.
keep on coding Smile